Chapter 4

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Third POV :

After their meal at the diner, Tony and Sarah departed, heading in separate directions, likely to get some much-needed rest before the early morning meeting. (Y/n), however, had a little less than an hour before the scheduled meeting and decided to take a leisurely stroll to pass the time.

The city was quiet and calm in the pre-dawn hours, and (Y/n) found solace in the deserted streets. She wandered through the dimly lit alleys, taking in the tranquil atmosphere that contrasted with the lively energy of the bar during the night.

After some time had passed, she checked her phone and noted that it was around 6:20 am, leaving her just enough time to make her way to the company building that owned the bar and other establishments. It would take about 17 minutes to reach her destination from where she currently stood.

With each step, (Y/n) contemplated the upcoming meeting and the possibilities it held. The early morning serenity of the city provided her with a brief respite before she would once again dive into the world of business, connections, and opportunities.

After taking the metro, (Y/n) arrived at the company building a bit early, about 10 minutes before the scheduled meeting. She used her member card to access the section of the building designated for their establishments, ensuring she wouldn't be late.

Finding her way to the workers' kitchen, (Y/n) took a seat and began to review some notes she had prepared for the meeting. As time passed, other familiar faces from the bar and their establishments started to arrive, including Tony and a few others they knew.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was a mix of anticipation and camaraderie, as they exchanged greetings and discussed the upcoming party planning. And then, with perfect timing, Sarah walked in, bringing her infectious energy and laughter to the gathering.

The team was now assembled, ready to contribute their ideas and expertise to ensure that Yelan and Keqing's party would be a resounding success.

This Bartender - Ningguang x Fem Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now