Chapter 22

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Third POV :

Ningguang, nodding at Ganyu's words ad herself : "Indeed, it's only proper not to discuss someone's personal life in their absence."

"First of all," Ganyu started, " I'm aware you're among the few who know she's an Omega, so I won't dwell on that detail. As for why it's only a select few who are aware, I'm not privy to the entire story. She mentioned it was for the best, so I didn't press for more details."

Everybody nodded, and gestured her to continue, so that is what Ganyu did.

Ganyu aded "I also know that she doesn't talk much about her past. It's not that she has anything to hide; she simply isn't someone who readily discusses herself unless specifically asked. Even if you were to inquire, I doubt you'd learn a lot."

Seeing she still had her friends' attention, Ganyu continued speaking about (Y/n). "What else can I say...? Oh, yes. Ningguang, this might interest you. (Y/n) is quite good with children. So, if you ever need someone to engage with the kids who provide you with information, you could always ask her. Although she doesn't show it and can be quite shy initially, it would work out very well."

Ningguang, genuinely intrigued by that revelation, asked Ganyu how she acquired such knowledge and why she suggested that (Y/n) might be initially shy. Ningguang recalled their initial meeting and remarked that (Y/n) didn't appear shy then.

Ganyu responded promptly with a light laugh, 'Well, you see, (Y/n) is a bit introverted... Some might even say she seems socially anxious, although that's not entirely true. She simply doesn't fancy striking up conversations with random new people because she feels a bit awkward sometimes." Pausing briefly and chuckling at the memory of her outing with (Y/n), Ganyu continued, "The reason she didn't appear shy when you met her is because, first of all, she was working. Secondly, she had technically already met Keqing and Yelan when they were scouting for a bar to host this party."

Keqing, perplexed by Ganyu's statement, decided to inquire further because they never conversed, and neither Yelan nor she saw (Y/n) that day.

Ganyu smirked, seemingly proud to answer Keqing's query, though she concealed her satisfaction. "Another crucial detail about (Y/n) is her keen observance. She may not speak much, but she listens and observes people closely. She can tell if someone is not doing well. Once, she even guessed that we were hiding something from her and effortlessly discovered that we were throwing a small celebration for her second year of work."

Ganyu sighed as she recalled the day when (Y/n) discovered the surprise. Her friends chuckled her reaction, but then Ganyu's expression turned serious, almost as if she had seen a ghost.

Yelan, noticing Ganyu's abrupt change in expression, voiced her concern and inquired about what was bothering her.

Ganyu then said "Well, nothing is wrong yet but the peace will not last very long....he's here"

As Ningguang turned to see who Ganyu was referring to, she caught sight of an unexpected figure—a member of the enigmatic Abyss Order. This organization, seemingly ubiquitous yet elusive, usually heralds something of significant consequence or potential danger.

Ganyu swiftly glanced towards the bar to ensure that Tony and (Y/n) had noticed the man too, and by the furious expressions on their faces, it was apparent that they had.

----------------------------------------------A/N : Here is another (short) chapter so you still have something little to read 😅.

I'm working on the next chapter. I think I'll go back to chapter publication 1 day out of 2 except weekends, but this time it will be Tuesday and Thursday instead of Monday, Wednesday and Friday, because otherwise the chapters will be rushed.

But, since I have to important exams this week....maybe the chapters exeptionaly won't be updated like I just said.

Sorry again and thank you to everyone who read this story.

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