Chapter 13

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Third POV :

As the evening's festivities continued, Keqing, Yelan, and Ningguang focused on ensuring that their guests had a great time. The party was in full swing, with lively conversations, laughter, and the clinking of glasses filling the air.

The business partners, Keqing and Yelan, chatted animatedly with guests at their table, their enthusiasm infecting everyone around them. It was clear that the event was a success, and the guests were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Meanwhile, the staff worked diligently, ensuring that the guests' every need was met. Sarah and (Y/n) continued to provide exceptional service at the bar, and Max and his team of waitstaff executed their roles flawlessly. The camaraderie among the staff members was palpable, and the positive atmosphere enhanced the guests' experience.

Ningguang's heightened sensitivity to scents remained manageable. She appreciated her friends' concern but knew that she could navigate the complexities of the evening without issue. The successful event continued well into the night, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

The evening had reached the dessert course, and the atmosphere was filled with satisfied chatter and the sweet aroma of the final course. Keqing, Yelan, and Ningguang decided it was the perfect time to address the guests.

With glasses in hand, they stood up and tapped them lightly to gain the attention of the attendees. The clinking of glasses gradually silenced the room, and all eyes turned towards the trio.

Keqing, with her characteristic charisma, took the lead and began, "Ladies and gentlemen, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for joining us tonight. Your presence has made this evening truly special."

Yelan, always eloquent, continued, "We are incredibly fortunate to have friends, partners, and guests like you who appreciate the experiences we create. It's your enthusiasm and support that inspire us to continue striving for excellence."

Ningguang, ever composed and articulate, concluded, "As we savor this delicious dessert, let's remember the friendships we've forged, the memories we've created, and the joy we've shared. We look forward to many more occasions like this in the future."

With a toast to their guests, the trio led the room in raising their glasses in unison. The evening had been a resounding success, and the heartfelt speech added a touch of warmth and appreciation to the event.

Keqing's POV :

As the dessert arrived and the guests began to enjoy their sweet treats, I found myself in the midst of a bustling crowd, filled with well-wishers and friends expressing their gratitude and admiration for the event.

I couldn't help but notice something in Ningguang's expression, a subtle hint of discomfort that she was trying to conceal. Even as she interacted with the guests, I could sense that something was amiss. There seemed to be an unusually high number of Omegas in the room, and I suspected that this might be causing some unease for my friend.

With a watchful eye on Ningguang, I discreetly approached her and whispered, "Ningguang, is everything all right? I sense something's bothering you."

Ningguang, her Alpha instincts guiding her response, reassured me quietly, "It's nothing, Keqing, just the usual crowd at these events. I'm perfectly fine."

Despite her reassurance, I continued to pay close attention to Ningguang throughout the evening, ready to provide support if needed. Meanwhile, the guests relished their dessert and continued to share their stories and experiences from the event.

Ningguang's POV :

After Keqing's discreet inquiry, I responded with a calm demeanor, assuring her that everything was fine. Yet, beneath the facade, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about the number of Omegas in the room who seemed to be in their heat cycles. The sheer concentration of their scents was enough to give anyone pause.

As the evening continued, and the scents of so many Omegas became increasingly overwhelming, I decided that it might be best to step outside for a moment to collect my thoughts and take a breath of fresh air. I excused myself from the ongoing conversations, with the hope that a brief respite would help me regain my composure.

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