Chapter 17

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Keqing's POV :

Observing the bustling bar area, I noticed Ningguang's subtle glances towards (Y/n) as she served the guests. Despite her attempts to conceal it, her interest in the barmaid was evident. Yelan and I exchanged knowing looks, acknowledging Ningguang's discreet fascination.

Yelan: "She's keeping an eye on (Y/n) again."

Keqing: "Seems like it."

(Y/n) effortlessly navigated the bar, managing the drink orders with finesse and grace. Her calm demeanor and professionalism were evident as she interacted with the guests, displaying an admirable level of hospitality and skill in handling the crowd. Ningguang's attention remained subtly fixated on (Y/n), her interest quietly observed by Yelan and me.

Ningguang (denying): "Oh, come on, I'm just interested in how efficiently she's managing the crowd. It's not about her."

Third POV :

Keqing and Yelan exchanged an amused glance, acknowledging Ningguang's attempt to deflect their observations. While she tried to mask her intrigue, her subtle glances toward (Y/n) didn't escape our notice. It was clear that there was more to Ningguang's interest than she was willing to admit.

Keqing: "Come on, Ningguang, it's obvious there's something intriguing about (Y/n) that catches your attention."

Yelan: "We're not prying, but it's okay if you find her interesting."

Ningguang (hesitantly): "I-I'm just curious about her skills. That's all."

Keqing: "Sure, but you can't deny there's more. Why don't you let yourself explore the possibility of a relationship?"

Yelan: "It's not about being dependent. Having a mate can also provide support and companionship."

Ningguang (explaining): "If I were to have a partner, it could impact my work due to... certain biological aspects. My responsibilities as the CEO make it challenging to navigate those situations."

Keqing: "But finding the right balance between personal life and work is essential. Maybe you're underestimating yourself. (Y/n) seems independent too, handling her own responsibilities remarkably well."

Yelan: "Perhaps it's worth considering how a relationship might complement your life rather than hinder it."

Ningguang: "I'll take your words into consideration. It's a complex matter, and I appreciate your concern."

The conversation continued, addressing the intricacies of relationships, responsibilities, and the importance of finding a balance in one's personal and professional life.

Ningguang, struck by a sudden realization, pondered for a moment. She hadn't considered a crucial aspect: (Y/n)'s preferences in relationships.

Ningguang: "Wait, I haven't even thought about whether (Y/n) is interested in women."

Keqing: "That's an important point. Have you noticed any hints or signs?"

Yelan: "It's hard to tell sometimes. But perhaps there's a way to discreetly find out?"

Ningguang: "I've never asked, and she's never mentioned anything about her preferences."

Keqing: "Maybe it's worth getting to know her better. Just as friends, initially."

Yelan: "Indeed, understanding her as a person before anything else could be a good start."

As they think about how Ningguang could befriend (Y/n), they hear a discussion between a waiter and Tony.

The two waiters exchanged amused glances as they overheard the ongoing, repetitive attempts by various men to gain (Y/n)'s attention at the bar. Tony couldn't help but chuckle, attempting to stifle his laughter but failing to do so discreetly.

Tony: "Seems like (Y/n)'s admirers are back at it again, aren't they?"

Other Crew Member: "Yeah, she's been turning them down politely, but they keep trying."

Tony: "You'd think they'd get the hint after a while.

Other Crew Member: "Apparently not. It's like they're hoping for a different answer each time."

Tony: "I've seen this movie before. She's not much into guys, you know."

Other Crew Member: "Really? But she handles those situations gracefully."

Tony: "That's the thing! It's the repeat offenders that crack me up. They're like persistent salesmen."

At that, a waitress comes to them.
She raised an eyebrow, curious about the ongoing situation at the bar. "Why aren't you guys stepping in or joining the discussion with (Y/n) and the men?"

Tony exchanged a knowing look with the crew member before responding, "Believe it or not, (Y/n) can handle it just fine. She's been politely declining their advances, but those persistent guys just keep coming back for more."

The crew member chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Exactly. It's become somewhat of a running joke. She's handling it like a pro, and honestly, it's amusing to watch at this point. Besides, interfering might make it more complicated."

Tony chuckled, "Yeah, she's pretty remarkable that way. Takes a lot of patience and tact, but she manages it well."

The crew member added, "And we're here if things ever get out of hand. But for now, it's more entertainment than anything else."

The waitress nodded, understanding the situation better. "I see. Well, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for explaining!"

As (Y/n) approached Tony, the crew member, and the new waitress, Tony quickly leaned in, gesturing with exaggerated subtlety. "Alright, here she comes. Everyone, act natural. Pretend like nothing happened, and whatever you do, don't laugh."

The crew member stifled a smile, nodding in agreement, while the waitress attempted to compose herself, preparing to join the conversation with a composed demeanor.

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