Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV :

The clock had ticked past 3:30 am, and the night had gone by in a blur of laughter, conversation, and clinking glasses. Only a handful of patrons remained, savoring the last moments of the evening.

As the last clients bid their farewells, Sarah, Tony, and I exchanged tired yet satisfied smiles. It had been a successful and fulfilling night, and we'd made sure every guest left with a memorable experience.

With the bar now empty, we began the closing routine. Glasses were washed and carefully placed on the shelves, chairs were stacked, and tables were wiped clean. The dimmed lights cast long, soft shadows on the wooden floors, giving the bar a cozy and intimate feel.

Our conversation was hushed as we worked diligently, knowing that the morning shift workers would be arriving in a few hours to prepare for the day's opening. We didn't mind the late hours; it was all part of the job we loved.

At around 7:15 am, the morning crew would take over, bringing a fresh energy to the bar as they prepared for a new day. But for now, in the quiet hours before dawn, we found solace in the camaraderie of our team, knowing that we were an integral part of the vibrant tapestry that was our bar, a place where dreams and possibilities converged with each night's last call.

After we finished cleanning, the three of us quickly changed into more comfortable clothing in the workers' area, swapping our formal bar uniforms for more relaxed attire. Tony and I put on white shirts and jeans, while Sarah chose a similar outfit with a skirt.

As we relaxed and exchanged a few words about the night's events, the familiar chime of our bar's group chat rang through our phones. The message announced a meeting to help plan Yelan and Keqing's upcoming party, scheduled for 6:45 am.

I glanced at the time; it was now 4:05 am, leaving us with less than three hours before the meeting. The thought of an early morning discussion made me sigh, but I knew the importance of our input in making the party a success.

With our shifts completed, we decided to grab a quick bite to eat at a nearby 24-hour diner to refuel and prepare for the upcoming meeting. The night had been long, but there was still work to be done, and the dedication of our team ensured that the party planning would be nothing short of extraordinary.

This Bartender - Ningguang x Fem Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now