Chapter 16

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Third POV :

Tony observed as (Y/n) engaged with the children after their performance. As they prepared to leave, (Y/n) engaged them in a playful manner, asking if they were certain they hadn't overlooked any cards.

(Y/n): "Are you sure you didn't forget any cards?"

Child: "No, why?"

(Y/n): "Well, I'm pretty sure you've got one right there."

With a mischievous smile, (Y/n) reached behind the ear of one of the children and subtly pulled out an Ace of Spades, much to the kids' surprise and delight. Tony couldn't help but chuckle at the innocent wonder on the children's faces and the cleverness of (Y/n)'s magic trick, creating a delightful moment of awe and amusement.

(Y/n): "Ta-da! Looks like a little magic was hiding right there."

Child 1: "Wow! How did you do that?"

Child 2: "That's so cool!"

Tony (joining in the fun): "Looks like (Y/n) has some hidden talents, doesn't she?"

(Y/n): "Just a little trick up my sleeve."

Child 3: "Can you teach us how to do that?"

Child 4: "I want to learn magic too!"

Tony (smiling): "Maybe one day you'll be amazing magicians too. Keep practicing!"

The kids, brimming with excitement and newfound inspiration, bid farewell, eager to show their families the magic tricks they witnessed. Tony and (Y/n) exchange amused glances, enjoying the delightful innocence of the children's fascination with magic.

While the two bartenders were making the drinks clients ordered, a woman, followed by the group of kids, came to them.

Woman: "Excuse me, are you the ones who were so kind to entertain the children with magic tricks earlier?"

(Y/n): "Yes, that was us! We had a great time with them."

Tony: "They're quite the little magicians themselves."

Woman: "Thank you so much! They haven't stopped talking about the magic you showed them. I really appreciate it."

Child: "Yeah, it was awesome! They did a disappearing glass and made cards appear!"

Another Child: "They're like real magicians!"

Tony (with a smile): "We're glad they enjoyed it. They were a joy to spend time with."

(Y/n): "Absolutely! If they have any more tricks up their sleeves, we'd love to see."

The woman expressed her gratitude once more and, accompanied by the excited children, returned to enjoy the rest of the event. Tony and (Y/n) exchanged smiles, pleased to have brought some extra joy to the children's evening.

As they were talking, people came to the bar area asking for some news drinks.

Crowd Member 1: "Excuse me, could we get another round of cocktails over here?"

Crowd Member 2: "And can we get some beers as well?"

(Y/n) and Tony were swiftly taking drink orders from multiple guests, handling the requests with practiced efficiency. Amidst the bustling atmosphere and the influx of orders, the woman approached them.

Woman: "I'm terribly sorry if the kids took up too much of your time. They were just so excited about the magic."

(Y/n): "No need to apologize at all! We were happy to spend time with them."

Tony: "They're quite the talented bunch! But now, let's get those drinks sorted for you and the guests."

Acknowledging the Bartenders' busy schedule, the woman graciously stepped back, allowing them to attend to the guests' orders. Tony and (Y/n) seamlessly continued their service, skillfully managing the array of drink orders from the gathering, ensuring everyone's requests were met in a timely manner.

This Bartender - Ningguang x Fem Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now