Chapter 20

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Third POV :

Keqing, curious about the interaction, casually asks (Y/n) why she didn't reject the man outright. Tony, overhearing the query, bursts into laughter, finding the situation amusing. (Y/n), feeling a bit embarrassed by the attention on her response, hesitates for a moment before replying, "Well, I guess I didn't want to be too harsh... or maybe I didn't think it was worth it."

Ganyu's comment about the situation catches everyone off guard, especially (Y/n), who blushes slightly at the attention being drawn her way. Sensing the tension, Ningguang curiously inquires, "What do you mean by 'still' happening?" This prompts a further wave of amusement from Tony, who can barely contain his laughter, while (Y/n) attempts to explain the recurring nature of such occurrences, feeling increasingly flustered.

As the conversation unfolds, (Y/n) explains to the group that being asked out has become somewhat of a common occurrence, especially by a few regular clients of the bar. She mentions that it has turned into a lighthearted exchange as they've gotten to know each other over time, which is why Tony finds the situation particularly amusing. This revelation sparks a few chuckles and light-hearted reactions from the group as they share amusing anecdotes and jokes about the quirks of their interactions with regular customers.

After a little more if chit-chat, Tony glanced mischievously at (Y/n), who immediately grew suspicious of his antics. Then, his gaze shifted towards Keqing, Yelan, and Ningguang with a playful smile. "But if one of you girls were to ask her, I bet she'd consider it seriously and might just give you a favorable answer," he remarked teasingly.

The three ladies exchanged curious glances, subtly nudging Ningguang with suggestive smirks. Amidst their silent communication, (Y/n) lightly tapped Tony's shoulder, laughing. "You can't just drop hints like that to people," she chided in a playful tone.

Ningguang, amused by the playful banter, decides to join in the light-hearted teasing. With a sly grin, she leans closer to (Y/n) and delivers a witty remark, "Well, if I were to ask you out, would that change your mind?"

(Y/n) chuckles at the unexpected teasing from Ningguang, raising an eyebrow in response. "Oh, you're trying to join the fun game too now, huh?" she replies playfully.

(Y/n) responds with a mischievous grin, "Why don't you give it a shot and find out for yourself?"

Ningguang, caught a bit off guard but still amused, raises an eyebrow playfully. "Oh, I might consider it, but only if you promise not to break my heart," she teases back, giving a wink.

(Y/n) chuckles at the unexpected reply, shaking her head in feigned disbelief. "You got it! I'll be extra careful with your heart, I promise," she quips, playing along.

Ningguang chuckles lightly before saying, "Well, if we're making promises, I'll ensure your smile's safekeeping, guarded by my wit and charm, of course."

But then, to Tony's surprise, this time, (Y/n) didn't have a comeback and remained silent. Why? Because, unexpectedly, Ningguang's pick-up line seemed to have worked.

"So, (Y/n), no comeback? Is this the end of the world? Or did Ningguang's line just sweep you off your feet?" Tony joked, amused by the unexpected turn of events.

"Oh ? Did it actually work, (Y/n) ?" Ningguang asked, trying to keep her tone playful while hiding her curiosity.

And, to Ningguang's question, (Y/n) gave her awnser "Well, since I'm unable to think of anything to say, I suppose it did."

"In light of my small victory, would you be gracious enough to consider an invitation from me? If it's not too forward to ask."

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