Chapter 14

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Ningguang's POV :

As I made my way to the smoking area, hoping to find a moment of respite from the overwhelming scents inside, I noticed some people outside and decided to wait a bit to see if they would leave. I wanted to be alone for a moment, to clear my thoughts and regain my composure.

I stood there for about three minutes, but to my surprise, Keqing and Yelan appeared. I couldn't help but wonder why they were there, and I asked, "What brings you both to the smoking area? Are you taking a break as well?"

Keqing and Yelan shared a knowing glance, and Keqing chuckled as she responded, "Well, we may have used the excuse of needing a smoke to escape all those... interesting questions from the guests. But, in reality, we wanted to check on you, Ningguang."

I couldn't help but smile at their thoughtful gesture. It was clear that their concern for me went beyond the need for a break from the crowd. Their presence provided a sense of comfort and reassurance in this unusual evening, and I appreciated their support.

As Keqing, Yelan, and I continued our conversation in the smoking area, we hadn't realized that we'd moved further outside, even though the only other individuals present were Max and (Y/n). It created a moment of awkwardness, but as the situation became more apparent, we relaxed.

They were familiar faces and acquaintances from the staff. We exchanged greetings and pleasantries, pleased to see them again. It was always a comfort to connect with colleagues amidst the hustle and bustle of the event.

However, as we observed Max more closely, it became evident that something wasn't right. He appeared unwell, his face unusually pale, and a sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead. Concern etched into our expressions, Keqing approached him cautiously and inquired, "Max, are you feeling alright? You don't look well."

Max, attempting to put on a brave face, replied, "I'm fine, just a little under the weather, that's all. It's nothing to worry about."

But his physical condition was telling a different story. His slightly hunched posture and the weakness in his voice revealed that he was not as well as he claimed to be.

(Y/n)'s POV :

As the conversation between Max, Keqing, Yelan, and me continued, Tony arrived, and, as discreet as ever, he made a low-key entrance with a sense of camaraderie and support. With a knowing nod and a playful grin, he addressed Max first, saying, "Bro, I've got your back. Found what you asked for."

Then, with a smile, Tony turned his attention to me and added, "And, you too, sis." He handed us pills, one for Alpha sensitivity to the scent of Omegas and the other for Omegas to manage their sensitivity to Alpha's scent.

Tony's thoughtful gesture, referring to us as "bro" and "sis," was a testament to the close-knit family atmosphere within the staff. It was a small, yet meaningful way of expressing support and it put us at ease in that moment .

In the midst of Tony's thoughtful and supportive gesture, he paused as he noticed the slightly embarrassed expressions on our faces. Following our gaze, he turned to his left, where we had been looking, only to find the three women we had been conversing with. They appeared rather amused by the situation, sharing lighthearted laughter and teasing glances at us.

With a chuckle and a good-natured grin, Tony ended up excusing himself, acknowledging that he hadn't been very discreet in his approach. In that moment, he assumed the role of the protective big brother within our tight-knit group, adding a touch of humor to the situation and lightening the mood as we all shared a laugh at the unexpected turn of events.

With the medicine in hand, I suggested we take them with the bit of water we had left in our bottles. I noticed Max's apprehensive expression, and I couldn't help but inquire, "Max, what's wrong?"

To my surprise, he revealed that he had never taken this kind of medicine before and was acting rather hesitant, almost like a child. It was an unexpected and endearing side of him.

With a playful grin, I couldn't resist a little teasing as I remarked, "Oh, come on, Max. What are you, 5?" Our playful banter lightened the mood, and it was clear that Max's reluctance to take the medicine was causing a bit of amusement in our group.

Yelan's POV :

While (Y/n) helped Max with taking his pills, Keqing and I exchanged knowing glances. It was a silent but clear agreement that we both shared a curiosity about something. In unison, we turned our attention to Ningguang, who had been rather engrossed in observing the interactions between (Y/n) and her friends since the previous misunderstanding was resolved.

Our synchronized movements signified our silent inquiry, and we couldn't help but wonder about the source of Ningguang's interest in (Y/n). It was a subtle but intriguing development, and we were curious to see how things would unfold as the evening progressed.

This Bartender - Ningguang x Fem Y/nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن