𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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I arrived at the mall about 20 minutes after getting into my car. Mia and Olivia were at the front waiting for me. We're currently walking around, finding a store to go to. "We should check out Victoria's Secret," Mia exclaimed. Walking into that store always makes me feel insecure. All those girls with perfect bodies, it just makes me feel like shit.

How am I supposed to leave? I need an excuse, but what excuse? Wait, I know. "You guys go, my cramps are getting really bad. I'm going to grab something to eat at the food court. Text me when you go to the next store, I'll meet you there." I lied. 

"Are you sure you don't mind sitting in the food court by yourself? I could sit with you if you want" Olivia asked.

"Don't worry about me, go enjoy yourselves" I said with a smile. "Ok, let us know if your cramps get worse, we'll take you home" Mia replied worried. "I will, now go" I said lightly chuckling. These girls spent 2 minutes making sure I was okay by myself, I love them so much. 

"Okay, fine" Mia and Olivia laughed, giving me a side hug.

Mia and Olivia walked to the right and I headed to the left, walking to the food court. I didn't plan on actually getting something to eat, just probably going to sit at a booth on my phone. I'll scroll on Pinterest, trust me I can do that for hours. I open Pinterest and scroll through my feed, adding some outfit or nail pictures to my boards.

I felt someone's eyes on me, I could be really paranoid since I'm by myself but I just had that feeling that someone's staring at me. My eyes dart across the food court until they land on a guy who's staring directly at me. 

Unsure of what to do, I fake a smile in his direction and go back to my phone. My fingers continue to scroll through my feed but my brain is somewhere else, why was he staring like that?

It looks like I'm not really okay by myself because I look up to see that same guy sliding into the other side of the booth, sitting in front of me. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, trying to stay calm. 

"No not really, I just wanted to say that you're beautiful" he answered with a smile. His smile freaked me out, like it seemed sinister rather than a sweet kind.

"Thanks" I replied, fidgeting with my hands so they would stop shaking. It's a habit of mine, my hands start shaking when I'm nervous and fidgeting with them helps. I just really hope he leaves now, I don't want to deal with him anymore. 

"So, could I get your number?" he asked, smirking. I'm not trying to give him my number, I guess I'll just decline his request.

"Sorry, I don't give out my number like that, or any socials" I answered. Hopefully he takes that as his hint to fuck off before I have to say it. "Alright, that's fine. I'll just leave then" he said. He gets up and starts walking back to where he was, thank god. Suddenly Austin appears next to my booth and takes a seat in front me me,

"Who was that?" he asked, sitting down. "I don't know, he just came and sat down," I answered. Does it look like I knew the guy? He looked 5 years older than me, how am I supposed to know who he is? "What'd he want?" he asked with a serious expression. What's with all the questions?

"He asked for my number but I didn't give it, so he left," I replied. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. Did Mia and Olivia invite him? I told them I'd be fine, and inviting Austin out of all people? 

"Mia and Olivia invited me, Dylan and Chase. Dylan and Chase are with Mia and Olivia, they told me to hang out with you at the food court. Why are you here by yourself?" he replied.

"My cramps were getting really bad so I got some food to help" I lied. What? I'm not going to tell him I get insecure every time I walk into Victoria's Secret. My phone rings, Mia texted me.

Mia: were picking u and austin from the food court, were going to urban planet now

Me: k, were sitting by a booth near starbucks

I spot Mia and Olivia walking towards us with Dylan and Chase. "We're going to Urban Planet bitches, get your asses up" Olivia yelled. Me and Austin and follow behind Mia, Dylan, Olivia and Chase. 

Now both my best friends have a boyfriend. Damn, now I'm the only single one left in our friend group. Maybe I'll find a cute guy here, you never know.

We continued walking around until we arrived at Urban Planet. I honestly don't even know what to get. Finding baggy clothes is impossible here, all they sell is crop tops. Although finding oversized clothes here is really hard, I managed to come across the t-shirt section and they have huge sizes, perfect.

Sweatpants were probably the easiest to find, there cute, comfortable and baggy. I picked a few pairs and also found some cute pairs of jeans. "Why do you always wear oversized clothes?" Austin questioned, appearing out of nowhere. 

"Because, it's comfy" I replied. I walk towards the line, waiting to pay for my clothes. Austin follows behind me, walking to the line with me.

The cashier asks for the next person and I walk up, Austin following behind me again. The cashier scans the price tags as I put my clothes down. "Your total comes to $150" she says. Fuck, I only brought $120.

Austin taps his card on the machine and it's approved. I know I really don't like him but I should at least thank you, he fucking paid for my clothes. "Thanks, you didn't have to pay for me," I said, walking next to him. "It's fine, I noticed you were short on cash anyways" he replied.

We ended up going to a few more stores afterwards, I didn't get much. Just a few things from Sephora. "I think I should leave now, I don't even have money left and my mom's probably waiting for me" I said. I don't want to keep her waiting, she's home alone too.

"Ok, bye! You better call me once you get home though" Olivia said. "I will" I replied leaving. My car was thankfully parked in the front of the parking lot, I'm so tired. Quickly getting into the car, I put my seatbelt on and put the car into drive.

It takes about 15 minutes to get back home. My music wasn't blasting, I just drove in silence. It felt nice, just me and my thoughts. I rang the doorbell and my mother opened it seconds later. 

Since I was in a rush, I forgot to bring a spare key with me. "I'm guessing you already had dinner?" asked my mom while we both walked into the living room. "Yeah".

"Alright, it's getting late so I'm going to bed. Goodnight Madison" my mother said, kissing my cheek. "Goodnight" I replied, kissing her cheek back. My mother kissing me goodnight might seem childish but I love her. She knows I miss my dad. He's always away on some business trip so he isn't home often.

Thankfully my mother works while I'm at school so I still see her once I get home. I get up from the couch and pop a strawberry in my mouth. Can't sleep on a completely empty stomach. I start walking upstairs towards my bedroom. 

As I step inside, I walk towards my closet, changing into a pair of pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt.

I do my skincare, brush my teeth and hop into bed. I've been so tired all day. I quickly decide to text Olivia so she knows I'm home and turn my phone off. I shut my eyes and fall asleep within seconds. 

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