𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Austin starts walking towards me and I run past him into the hallway. "Madison! Get back here!" he yells. I only run faster in response while laughing. I run towards the stairs and pace down them. But me being me, I accidentally slip on literally the first step.

"Fuck" I yell as my nose hits the railing on the sides. Austin comes running downstairs, probably because he heard my fatass fall down the stairs. This is actually so embarrassing. Austin rushes over towards me and sits down on the floor next to me.

"Are you okay? Holy shit, your nose is bleeding. Come here" he says, pulling me up by my free arm. He keeps a tight grip on my wrist as he practically drags me into the living room. "It's just a nosebleed, I'm not dying".

"Pinch the bridge of your nose for a bit, it'll stop quicker" he said while grabbing some tissues. I thought he would have handed them to me but he started wiping the blood off my face. "Are you okay..? You're acting so weird, it was literally just a nosebleed" I asked curiously.

"I wouldn't have helped you but looking at the amount of blood from your nose, it didn't seem like a usual nosebleed" he answered while I looked down at my shirt. Holy shit, it looks like I just murdered someone and swam in a pool of their blood.

"You stay here, I'll grab you a shirt, again"

I check my phone and it's already 8, I should leave soon. Once my nose stops bleeding and I change my shirt, I'll go. My mom's probably gonna beat my ass for not telling her where I was since I highly doubt Miguel actually told her.

"Here" he announced, throwing the shirt at my face. "Thanks" I replied, walking into the bathroom. I change into the shirt and let go of my nose. Finally, it stopped bleeding. "I should leave now, my mom's probably waiting too" I announce as I step out of the bathroom.

"Alright, see you"

"See you"

I grab my backpack and walk over to the door. The warm summer sun hits my face as I step outside. This feels so good. My walk home took 5 minutes and I step inside as I open the door.

As I walk inside I realize my mom and Miguel sitting at the dining table, eating.

"Where were you Madison?" she asked in an irritated tone. "I was at Austin's house to finish that project, I swear! I would have told you but I was already running a little late. I told Miguel to tell you but clearly he didn't" I explained, annoyed while giving my brother a dirty look.

All I did was tell him to tell mom that I was going to Austin's house, it's not that fucking hard. "Drop the attitude Madison" my mom says in a stern voice. "Whatever, I'm going upstairs" I announce, walking away.

I don't why I'm so mad but I don't need anyone yelling at me right now. I'm just so tired, all I wanna do is lie down in my bed and read or watch Tiktok. As I'm walking upstairs towards my bedroom, I notice a shadow in the hallway.

It's my dad, I haven't seen him in 2 weeks! "Oh my god, I missed you so much dad!" I exclaimed while running to hug him. "I missed you too pumpkin! How've you been?" he says, hugging me back. "Decent, I guess. How was Italy?"

"Great actually. It's beautiful, we should go on a family vacation there sometime" he replies, smiling at the thought. "That'd be so much fun! Alright, well I'll be in my room, I have some things to do" I replied.

"Okay pumpkin"

Damn, I just realized how much I've missed him and my brother. Sure, I'm kinda mad at my brother right now but regardless I love him. I should probably apologize to him and my mom, but I need some more time to cool off before I get pissed, again.

I collapse onto my bed the second I walk close enough. It's not like I've done anything lately but I can tell this eating disorder is really fucking me up. It's so hard to have energy thanks to how often I eat and work out. But what more can I really do? I've been dealing with this for 5 years now, it's not easy to go back.

These thighs bother me so much though! No matter how much I work them out, they just won't get smaller. I know it's genetics since my mom has thick thighs too, but she pulls them off while I just look like an obese pig. 

God, I fucking hate my body! Why can't I just be skinny and weigh less? Is it really that fucking hard!?

At least I left my phone up here so I can just read on Wattpad for a bit. Once I finish texting some people back and actually open Wattpad, I hear my bedroom door being opened. My mom walks in and closes the door behind her.

"Can we talk?" she asks, walking over and taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "Yeah. Listen, I'm sorry. I told Miguel that I was in a rush and to tell you but he didn't and then you were mad at me and then I was mad because you were mad. I'm so sorry though, I swear I didn't mean to!" I rambled.

"Madison! It's fine, honey! I know you mean it, you're probably stressed and I know it was a total accident!" she said, moving closer. I move closer to her and give her a hug, "I'm sorry!". "Don't worry about it. It's your brother's fault anyways, I'll go yell at him instead" she says with a grin.

"I have no issue with that" I reply, smiling. "Alright, well I have work pretty early in the morning and I know you were probably busy too so I'll leave now. Goodnight" she smiles while getting up.

"Goodnight" I reply, going back to reading a few chapters. I'm just gonna read like maybe 5 chapters of this book and then I'll do my skincare and go to bed. It's already like 10, maybe I can read until 11, then do everything I need to do.

I go back to Wattpad and start reading a few chapters. I check the time, 11:03. Ok, I should go get ready for bed now. It's so hot though, I'm not wearing pajama pants to bed again so shorts it is. I usually hate wearing shorts but I'm at home with my family, they're not gonna say anything judgmental.

I step into the bathroom, do my skincare and get into bed, 11:45. I could read for a little while longer, I only have like 20 chapters left anyways. I'll still get a decent amount of sleep too so who cares.

20 chapters later and it's now 12:45, only took me an hour. Ok now I should probably go to sleep before I barely get any and my fatass falls asleep in class.


Unexpectedly In Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن