𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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Mrs. Santiago said we'd go and check out some historical museums today since she has to do something kind of educational with us. That's where we are right now, some museum.

We're walking around and this place is huge. It has this old, grand type of feeling. Everything being a gold/beige sort of color makes it even prettier. It reminds me of that old, royal aesthetic almost.

"That looks like you" said Austin, pointing at a painting of some old man from the 18th century or something. "Ok well that looks like you" I replied, pointing at a painting of an old lady holding her creepy looking chihuahua.

This is what Austin and I have been doing for the past hour. Museums have always kind of bored me. There's so much walking involved and it's honestly just boring.

There's a cute little cafe in this museum, maybe I could just sneak off and chill there instead. Lunch does start in a few minutes anyways. Being there a little earlier that everyone wouldn't be such a big deal, right?

Who cares, I'm going. I turn around and take a step forward until I feel a hand grip my wrist and spin me back. I look down at my wrist, then up at who's holding it. Of course it's Austin.

"What are you doing?"


"Lunch starts in 5 minutes, why not leave then?"

"Because I'm not waiting that long, plus I need coffee"

"Can't you wait 2 minutes to get your coffee?"

"Aw, are you gonna be sad without me?" I asked, pouting. "It's ok, you can come with me" I replied, grabbing his wrist and dragging him towards the cafe with me. As I do so, I swear I saw a smile creep up onto his lips.

I ran in the line still holding Austin's wrist. He looks down at my hand and back up at me, giving me an amused smirk so I immediately let go. I didn't notice, it wasn't an excuse to touch him.

The line gets shorter and eventually it's my turn to order. "Can I just have a Grande iced black coffee please?" I asked, pulling out my card. "Is that all?" I look over towards Austin, "Want anything?" I whisper.

"Nah, I'm good" he replied. "Yes, that's all, thank you" I replied while tapping my card, paying for my drink. "The name for the order?" "Madison" I replied.

We found an empty table and sat down, Austin seated in front of me. Minutes pass and I hear my name being called for my order. I get up and get my coffee.

As I sit back down, I notice Elijah and his friend group headed towards our table. I was going to get up and sit next to Austin but Elijah's friend sat there first. Now I was stuck sitting next to this creep.

"Hey pretty girl" he whispers while sitting down. Austin abruptly gets up, causing me to start feeling even more anxious. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Washroom, I'll be back in a bit" he said, leaving me alone with these two weirdos.

"So, the outfit" he said, looking me up and down for the millionth time today.

"What about it?" I asked. I'm honestly so fed up with him.

"Well it shows some cleavage, and those jeans are pretty fitted on your ass" he commented.

"And..?" I asked, still confused. Like this concerns you, how exactly?

"I don't like people staring at what's mine" he smirked.

"I'm not an object to be claimed, therefore I can't be yours" I said, emphasizing the word yours.

"And by the way, I never agreed to being with you so no, I'm not yours" I added.

He looked like he was mad, about to yell at me or something, but he didn't. He would've but he saw Austin walking back, so he finally decided to shut his mouth.

Finally, I swear I was getting a migraine from his constant blabbering.

"Hey, wanna grab some food?" Austin asked us. Elijah's friend agreed, "You guys coming?" he asked again. I wanted to stay with him but Elijah's trying to stay alone with me here, maybe I can try talking shit out with him.

"I'll stay here with Madison" Elijah replied with a disgusting grin on his ugly face. Austin looks back at me, "You fine here or you wanna come with us?" he asked, making sure I was okay.

That's something I like about him, he always asks me a question multiple times just to make sure I'm not uncomfortable. Usually, no one give a fuck.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said with a smile. "Okay, we won't be gone too long" he reassured me. Please don't be.

As they leave, Elijah turns to me. "It's just you and me, all alone in this quiet cafe" he smirked. I'm regretting staying here a lot now.

"Cut the bullshit, what's your problem?" I asked sternly. Hopefully that made me seem less intimidated by him. "What are you talking about baby?" He spoke with eyes filled with nothing but lust.

"I'm being serious Elijah, I don't have time to deal with your shit" I grumbled. I'm so sick and tired of his shit. I've said no a million fucking times, learn to take a hint. I'm not interested, you continuously saying shit won't change my answer.

"I'm still confused" he said genuinely. Is he being serious? He actually doesn't see what's wrong with what he's doing?

"I'm talking about the whole you wanting to, you know, have sex with me. It's annoying and I've said no a million times" I spoke with a slight stutter in my voice.

"Oh come on, Madison. What kind of question is that? Who wouldn't want to fuck you?" he said with a weird look I can't quite describe.

"But I've said I'm not interested so many fucking times! Why can't you just leave me alone?" I yelled.

"Shh, Baby" he whispers, putting his hand over my mouth, realizing people were staring at us.

"Listen, I'll explain it all, just not like this" he said, signaling to the people in this cafe.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't be mad at me, Maddy. I swear I'll explain" he pleaded as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"First of all, only my really close family and friends get to call me Maddy, and you're not one of them. Second, get your disgusting hands off my shoulder" I replied, annoyed.

Yeah, I officially give up. I'm never gonna get him to leave me alone, he won't even listen to me! At least Austin's here now, thankfully Elijah will shut up.

He sits down in front of me, setting a bag of McDonalds down in front of him. The smell of the fries is heavenly but I know there's way too many calories and fat in there for me to eat.

He moves them closer towards me, making it easier for me to grab some. "Oh no, I'm good, I have my coffee" I apologized. No way I'm eating those. Sure, they smell and look so good but no chance. I'm not trying to gain another 2 pounds just because I couldn't control myself.

At least I ate yesterday morning.

Apparently we're going to the mall tomorrow, though. That's really the only thing getting me through today.

At least it's almost over.


i'm so sorry this took forever to publish!! i really wanted to say thank you so much for 500+ views but we're at over 600 views now! it's insane! i never imagined this book to actually get views and never anything over maybe like 300 but here we are. thank you so much!! i love you guys so much! ❤️

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