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Austin and I continued walking toward the cafeteria together, him looking over at me once and a while to make sure I wasn't zoned out or thinking about something. "So what took you guys half our lunch break?" Olivia asked, grinning. God, this girl is something else. "It's nothing like that. But it's exciting! We're going on a field trip to New York!" I exclaimed.

I'm seriously so excited like I can't contain my excitement kind of excited. This trip is gonna be a blast and I'll finally get to experience walking around Times Square! 

"You guys are so lucky! I wish I could have gone! When are you leaving for New York and for how long?" Mia asked. "I know, I wish you could have come too, I'm stuck with Austin this entire trip." I complained.

"But we're leaving this upcoming Sunday and we'll be there for a week," I replied. "Oh come on, getting partnered up with me won't be that bad" Austin said, nudging my arm. I roll my eyes in response.

The bell rings, now I have to leave. I just got here and I barely got to actually talk to Mia or Olivia. I start walking into class and sit down. This day really couldn't go by any slower, could it?

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

I get into my car, driving back home. As I pull into the driveway I notice 2 cars. My dad and brother are finally home! I quickly park my car and get out as fast as I possibly can. Opening the door, I'm met with the silhouette of my brother!

"Miguel!" I shout as I run over to hug him. He turns around with a huge smile on his face. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his embrace. "I've missed you so much!" I exclaim. "I've missed you too Maddy!" he replies, pulling away.

"I'm so happy you came but I don't know how often I'll be able to hang out"

"That's fine but why?"

"I have this project I have to finish and I need to start packing for a trip my history class is taking to New York"

"Lucky, I never got a trip to New York when I was a senior in high school" he complains. "I have to go to the gym right now then I have to shower and go to Austin's house to finish our project. I'll hang out with you tomorrow, I promise". "Wow, your boyfriend's more important than me" he says with a fake sad smile on his face.

"Whatever, I'll be back by 10 ish, make sure mom knows" I reply as I run up the stairs. It's already 3:30 and I need to be back home in 2 hours. 

Where the fuck did I put my gym clothes? I swear I put it in my closet after I finished doing my laundry yesterday. Since I can't find them I just throw on a sports bra and sweatpants.

I change into my clothes, grab my water bottle and head out with a spare key this time. There's no one at the gym right now so I quickly finish and leave.

My gym run went by pretty quickly and it's currently 5:45. So that means I have to be at Austin's in 45 minutes. I showered, did my skincare and brushed my hair once. I'm not trying with my outfit so I just threw on a tshirt and sweatpants. I quickly grabbed my backpack and left with the spare key.

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