Chapter 6

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Anastasia Honchar's POV

Big mistake.

Did not he ever interrogate people and leave them be? Why does he have to let me go and give me a chance to fight him? Maybe he was testing me how to get better or how he wanted to access me for better fighting skills. Who knows?

After he released me, he still demanded where his ID was. Oh, he knew that I would never give it up, it was the only thing that kept him pursuing me and I loved every minute of it.

"Well, for starters," I said as I looked at him after he got me out from the ropes, "Big mistake," I whispered before I kicked him in the stomach. But I have to know better than to attack a psycho. He caught my foot and looked at me bored.

"Is this how are you gonna do it? So be it," he said before I whipped and kicked his face. He blocked my foot again and smirked. God, this guy was getting on my nerves.

"I think I have the upper hand here, princess," he said before he flipped me and I was lying on the floor. I did what I would do, or what Alfred taught me to do, I stopped myself with my hands before I backed up and I went to flex my back as Marco was still holding my feet.

I went to flip my body onto his as I went backward. He stumbled back and was caught off guard from my flip and released my feet. I smiled before I wrapped my legs around his neck and twisted it. He got a hold of my legs.

"Well, as much as I would like you to wrap it around me and so on, I think I know enough of your skills," he said and before he could disentangle, I went to drop my body to the ground and he stumbled with me on the floor as well.

I unwrapped my legs before I went to look for a door. I grabbed the handle but it was locked. Damn it, I cursed under my breath and when I turned to look at Marco, he was up and crossed his arms at me.

"Well, you don't think I would untie you and you can run away, right, princess?" He asked me as he was taking a step toward me. I stumbled backward before I could sense that my back was hitting the wall. I needed to keep a stoic face in this psychology fight.

"Let's see what you have here, shall we?" He asked me before he pulled out my passport. My eyes went as big as saucers. How did he manage it? I put it on the most secure part of my body and here, this weird psycho has it in his hand.

"Oh, don't be surprised, princess. You know I can get anything without triggering the alarm, and besides," his green eyes trained on my face before going up and down my body, "I don't mind doing it again," he said as he looked at me in the eyes, smirking on that gorgeous lips.

"So, you're Anastasia Honchar, born on June 25," he looked at me as if trying to guess my age. I gulped. I will not tell that to him.

"You know, it's rude to ask the age of a woman," I said as I was crossing my arms in front of my chest. He smirked at me his eyes twinkling with delight.

"Well, I am no gent but I will respect that but as you already know, if I can get information on your birth town and all that, you don't think I don't know your age, princess?" He asked me as he was amused by my actions.

Seriously, I wanted to kill this man, right now.

"Enough about me, what about you? If you wanted to work together, we might need to get to know each other," I said as I looked at him. He was standing as he was flipping my passport. If I could only get that and find my way out of here.

"Now, I know what you think you're doing but I think we have everything that we need to know. But if you want to, I can give you whatever answer that you desire from me," he said as he went to take a seat at the chair that we had abandoned earlier. I needed to make sure that everything would be on my terms. I shifted my weight on my foot.

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