Chapter 11

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Anastasia Honchar's POV

I cannot believe it. Marco Conti will be my new supervisor. The person that I loathed the most was my boss. I wanted to scream my gut out. I needed to get away from him. I needed to get away from here.

"Deep breath, Anna, deep breath," I said as I was in the stall of the toilet. I needed to get my thoughts straight before I could face him. He might be smiling but I know people like him. He was the vilest person that I cannot wait to take out of the equation.

"If you're going to be in there any much longer, I think I might have to report you," that voice was known to penetrate all my thoughts. Can't I have a few moments alone with my mind?

"I have a stomachache," I lied. He chuckled before he fumbled the handle. I abruptly went to the door to stop him. But I failed before Marco went inside the stall.

"What are you doing? This is not a unisex bathroom," I hissed at him. He shrugged before he smirked at me. God, I wanted to smack his face. His godly handsome face.

"Why did you not tell me that you are the new supervisor?" I asked him. I could sense his hot breath on my face as I was looking at him. He was smirking at me before he leaned back on the wall.

"Well, I need to make sure that you don't blow my cover,"

"Can I trust you to not blow mine?" I asked him. He chuckled. Deeply. Huskily. My stomach turned at the sound.

"We are married after all,"

"No, we're not. That was a lie that is convenient for both of us," I replied. He arched his eyebrow as he went forward and stalked over me with his large frame. I stumbled back before my back hit the wall. He trapped me between his two arms.

"And you know I will never uncover you. You're the key in this job," he said as he was looking into my eyes. I cannot look away from his beautiful eyes. It was magnetic and he was too strong to pull away.

I gulped. I wandered my gaze to his lips and when I looked at his eyes again, he was looking at mine. Instantly, I wetted my lips before his eyes flickered to mine.

"You're driving a hard bargain to control me, Ms. Honchar," he whispered as he traced his fingers along my throat. I gasped at the contact. I never knew he could ignite such fire in that touch. He chuckled darkly.

"Can you be quiet?" He asked me and before I could answer him, he claimed my mouth. My eyes were big as saucers and I did not think that I would be attracted to him like I was right now. He was a great kisser and kissing with him always left me wanting more.

"Hmm," was the only sound that I could master as I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I needed to feel him. I needed to make sure that he would not disappear. I had to glue myself to him to make sure that he was alive.

My eyes were wide open when I thought that word. Alive. Not a single person would like to die, especially if that person to get them to kill was me. I pushed him away as strongly as I could but I didn't think I could. I was pushing at his chest but he was too strong.

"You cannot deny me anymore, cara. I want you. You want me. Why don't we save ourselves from misery?" He said as he was roaming my body with his hands. I was too dazed to reply before someone knocked on the door.

"Hello, someone else needs to use the stall. And get a fucking room," someone said from the outside and Marco was smiling wickedly at me.

"Well, we cannot be busted. I see you on the other side," he said before he kissed me again. I fell for his charm and when I looked again, he was gone. His trace in the stall was gone. I did not know how he did it but I needed to learn it.

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