Chapter 8

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Anastasia Honchar's POV

Worst. Day. Ever.

I did not know that working in this company as a chemist would require a lot of approval, especially from that nasty, old man. I did not respect him or would want to. I did some research about the gang member that was attacking me and I suspected he was behind all those.

I was knocked onto his office as he gestured for me to get inside. He was happy to see me. I smiled back because I didn't want to be impolite as I had just started my internship at this company.

"Ms. Honchar. It is good to see you. How are you adapting to the lab?" He asked me and I told him that it was fine and more than I could ask for. He nodded.

"Good, good. So, why are you here?" He asked me as he tried to hide the smirk that was almost playing on his lips. I wanted to kill this guy.

"Well, I have some paperwork that I need your signature," apparently, we need the approval of a corporation just to get a dose of dopamine for the drug that we were creating and testing in the labs but I did not add that part. I smiled as he took the paperwork. He purposely touched my hand. I tried to hide my disgust.

He signed it before handing it back to me. "Here you go. You look tired. Are you sure you don't want to take a break or just go for a drink in the bar? My treat," he said happily but I shook my head.

I would be glad to take more jobs if that means that I was getting away from you, creep.

"No, I have to make sure it will be all done today. My supervisor is freaking out if I don't finish it today," I said as I was standing at the door. He stood as well as he nodded at me.

"Then, allow me to escort you to the lab," he said but I cut him off.

"No, that would be unnecessary. I will let myself out. Thank you though," I said before I scurried out of his office. I did not turn back just in case he was staring at me, smirking as he was checking my ass. I closed my eyes as I went down to the lab.

Oh, I hope that someone would not do that to me, ever.

It was 7 PM and most of my colleagues were gone. Well, they have been gone ever since 5:30 p.m., which was the official time to leave. But apparently, interns like me have to stay late.

What a good coincidence considering that my supervisor wanted me to check her work for me. I nodded as she was staring down at me before leaving the office smugly. I groaned as I looked at the paperwork.

Damn it!

"I wish I was not in this company. Why in the hell did Alfred choose this damn company?" I said as I was going through the paperwork. I was a chemist, not her secretary and why the hell did she not get one?! I wanted to shout but I didn't want to alert that old man as well as I knew that he was still there.

I groaned after I finished the last paperwork. I looked at the clock it was 9 PM and my stomach was grumbling as I knew I had not eaten dinner yet. All I had for lunch was a chicken skewer and water. Now, I felt like I was not eating for months.

After I put all the paperwork on my table in their order, I took my bag and badge to get out of the lab. it was not too late as I knew that there were some people from another department to do their job.

I went through the door before someone held my arm. I shrieked as I was ready to attack before that someone was none other than the old man. Seriously, he did not give up getting into my pants. And I saw that he had taken off his wedding band. I felt sorry for his wife.

"Ms. Honchar. What a pleasant surprise. It was late not to have some dinner but I was on my way to get some food. Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked as he was looking very hopeful of his plan today and maybe tonight if he was lucky.

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