Chapter 18

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Anastasia Honchar's POV

I gulped as I looked at his smirk. He was playing with me as I was his prey and he was the predator in this game. I need to think to escape him, fast.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it just fate that I woke up and I was in your house? I was wondering where you might be, Princess," he whispered as he was pressing against me. I should be looked out for this psycho and be scared but for some reason, I was not afraid of him. I cleared my throat before I looked at him.

"Hello, Thorn. I see that you have come to see me, again," I said as I was controlling my voice. I should not show fear to him but he smirked at me as he was caressing my cheeks. I did not flinch.

"I could say the same but apparently, I have some bad news for you, Princess," he said. My heartbeat was faster as I was looking at him. I cannot show fear to him. Was I?

"What do you mean, bad news?" I asked him as I was smiling at him. He did not smile back but he was staring at me as his hand dropped from my face. I yearned for his touch now.

"Well, when Marco Conti was sick, he saw you when you came unannounced at the house. I heard that you made porridge for him. But mysteriously, when he took a sip of your porridge, I felt like my mind was slipping away. So tell me, princess, what was that all about?" He said as he trapped me again in his arms, looking intensely into my eyes, deep into my soul. I gulped.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I was looking intensely at him. He was not smiling nor smirking but he did take me by surprise as his face was inches from mine. Our hot breaths mingled and I held my breath.

"If I know that you were working to get rid of me, I will find you even to your grave, do you hear me?" He said in a dangerously low voice. He was threatening me. I exhaled my breath as I could see he was liking my fear right now. He was smirking at me.

"So, let me ask you again," he said in that low voice, making my insides turn upside down.

"Do you or do you now put any drug inside the porridge last night? And do not intend to lie to me. You know I smell fear," he said as he was keeping his eye contact with me. I gulped before I blinked a few times. I closed my eyes before I bored into his emerald orbs. Goosebumps were on my skin before I held my chin up.

"I did not put anything in your porridge nor did I have any idea how to get rid of you," Lies. Of course, I have an idea of how to make sure that he will be silenced. It was not that hard to do it. He looked at me for a while as he was calculating my answer. And before I knew it, he was smirking at me.

"You lied. And I hate liars," he said in a dangerous tone before he pushed me onto the counter, knocking the hot coffee and biscuits off.

"Hey, I just prepared that!" I hissed at him. He did not laugh but he grabbed my wrists instead.

"You know I want the truth but you dare to lie to my face, now face the music, princess," he said as he was pushing my hands above my head as my breasts perked up. I cannot hide anymore if he comes on top of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him nervously. He smirked at me.

"What I should have when I laid my eyes upon you," he said and before I could protest, he dipped his head into mine. Words were lost in my throat as I was trying to process what was happening. His lips are on mine. His hand was holding my wrists, the other was playing with my neck. I was numbed as my eyes went big as saucers.

Marco Thorn was kissing me. How do I make of that?

It was as if the time had been slowed around us and all I could focus on was his lips moving against mine. I did not respond to him before he groaned and broke the kiss.

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