Chapter 13

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Anastasia Honchar's POV

It has been going like this for a week now after Marco took me to train with him.

Work, Train, Sleep. Work, Train, Sleep. And right now, I am tired of this routine. I know my limits, I just needed to spice it up a little bit.

So here we were, training. As Marco liked to put it, getting to know my self-defense better. He did what he wanted to me, like going on to be a better puncher or throwing some dagger. I mean, I was trained by Alfred, one of the greatest assassins in his lifetime. But now, I was stuck with this psycho.

"Okay, so what you want to focus on when you were throwing the dagger was not the dagger itself, but the targets that you will throw at. Watch," Marco instructed and when I watched him throw it, he struck the targets perfectly. Enough to boost his ego that was already big like Mount Everest. He turned to smirk at me. I rolled my eyes.

"See what I mean? You need to be the focus," Marco said before he went behind me and he directed me to throw the daggers. I was wearing my clothes, thankfully. It was a long-sleeved shirt that I rolled to my elbow, and loose pants as well as sneakers. I don't see why not wearing it.

"Okay, now focus. Take a deep breath," he instructed as he guided my hand. One of the dagger and one on my waist. He was whispering to me which made blood rush to my face. I ignored the sensation.

"Throw," he whispered and before I knew it, I threw it. It was not close to what he had but I was in the circle of death. I smiled as I turned to look at him. Our faces were inches away before I cleared my throat.

"Right. Now that you know how to do it. I will let you play with it for a while," Marco said as he stepped away from the area and went to get something from the back of the warehouse.

I smirked at his retreating figure before I picked up the dagger and threw it onto the targets. They all landed perfectly, like Marco's. Only this time, I don't have an audience to show off to.

Okay, so I know what you all thinking. Why go through the training if you have already been trained by Alfred the powerful assassin, right?

Well simple, I have to make sure that Marco is in my sight all the time. It was a job that I did not finish as I did not turn in his real ID to Val. And now I'm not so sure I wanted it to end.

"Woah, you improved much," he said as he got back from the store. I blushed when he mentioned to my daggers, sticking out like a pro.

"How do you learn to do that?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I've been training, you know. I had so much free time before I had this job and I think it was worth it," I said as I looked at my daggers, sticking out like a champion. Marco cleared his throat.

"Right, so now, we might go on with closed combat with the dagger, but we will not be using the real ones. I don't want to tarnish your perfect skin," he said as he smiled at me before taking the wooden daggers. I blushed. He gave me two and he held two in his hands.

"Okay, so let's see what you know," he said as he mentioned to me. I went to dive into the combat with what I knew. I dodged his advance but blocked him as well. I went to stick the wooden dagger into his body but he was good at avoiding me until he stuck the dagger to my back.

"You're dead. Well, I think you have a good form, for a girl," he said. I gritted my teeth.

"For a woman you mean?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"That too," he said before he wanted to improve my stance.

"Wait, do you think I can't do better than that and you wanted me to forget the training that I have since I was 18 years old?" I said as I stopped him from his teaching.

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