Day 6: Blackout

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Tyler waited by the door, raising an eyebrow as he saw the two cars pull up. Scotty, Marcel, Anthony were already inside, which meant this should be Evan?

Yep, Evan got out of the car with Brock behind him, surprising Tyler. He didn't know they were traveling together. Daithi and Brian got out of the second car, which meant the only ones who had yet to show were Delirious, Luke, Smii7y and John.

They were all spending the week at Tyler's Tennessee home, Delirious wanting a safe place to meet his friends for the first time. They still had yet to see his face, but he'd said it was finally time and they were all way too excited for it.

"Jon not here yet?" Evan asked curiously, face falling disappointed when Tyler shakes his head in answer. "Luke said their plane is landing in like an hour, then it's a 30 minute drive from the airport. Hopefully everything goes smooth, it's supposed to storm tonight," he said and Evan frowned, looking at the bright blue skies.

"Uh, it's supposed to storm?" He asked and Brock grinned. "You can't tell? The air pressure is dropped and you can smell it," he said amused and Tyler nodded in agreement.

"Uh, no? Normal people can't tell that," Brian said amuses and Brock shrugged. "Just gotta get good, Brian. Anyway, I need to use the bathroom," Evan said and Tyler gestured them inside, giving Daithi a nod.

"Right, once everyone gets here I'll have you all split into rooms, I've only got 3 spares and my bedroom. I also have the couches and an air mattress for the living room if you guys need it," he said as Evan disappeared around the corner, Brock watching after him before giving Brian a smile.

The hour and a half passed, everyone arriving except Delirious and Luke. Tyler spent his time cooking with Brock and Marcel, everyone trying not to glance at the clock impatiently.

Kino and Archie started barking and everyone froze, the anticipation building in the room. Tyler looked out the window and saw a car pulling up, the windows tinted. "They're here," he called, excitement in his voice.

He moved to the door, waiting for the knock. Everyone's eyes were on the door and Tyler opened it, seeing Luke grinning and a tallish, skinny man hiding slightly behind him.

"Hey! Come on in," Tyler said easily, the whole group very aware of Delirious' anxiety. Luke nodded and led the other man in, his face hidden by his hood.

"Delirious?" Evan said excitedly as Luke stood aside, everyone standing to face him. "Uh, hi," Delirious' familiar voice said as painted hands shakily pulled his hood down.

They all took in the pale skin, the blueish green eyes looking under long black hair. Evan rushed forward, enveloping the man in a tight hug.

Delirious laughed, that familiar cackle making everyone grin as they surrounded him. Tyler ruffled Delirious' hair, getting a cross look in response as he tried to brush his hair flat again.

"Well, everyone is here and dinner will be ready in like 10 minutes!" Tyler said cheerfully, amused at the fact that Evan refused to move from Delirious' side. He was also a little confused at the look Brock tossed them, but shrugged it off.

Luke took Delirious' arm and dragged him over to the couch next to Brock, Delirious giving him a faint smile and getting one in return. Tyler moved back to the kitchen alone, checking the oven for the ribs and adjusting the timer.

"Come eat fuckers!" Tyler called and all his friends swarmed the kitchen, the noise level insane as they all crowded in. Tyler stood aside and watched as they all flocked to the food, Brock taking it upon himself to make sure everyone had enough.

"To the living room! Let's watch some horror movies," Tyler said with a grin and Smiity and Delirious gave him a look, Tyler just winking at them. They all knew Delirious and Smiity weren't big on horror, regardless of Delirious' avatar.

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