Day 13: 10 Sentences Over Last Item Bought - Brock (Poly AU)

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This is in my Poly!BBS au which is Brian/Brock/Evan/Jon/Tyler. I've got 5 other stories up if you wanna check them out! <3

Brock hummed to himself in the kitchen, being alone since his four boys were currently recording and he didn't have any sessions scheduled that day.

He knew they'd be hungry when they came down and had decided to make them a treat, so he was in the middle of baking some cookies. He had a dozen chocolate chips ones in the oven, and another dozen of sugar cookies waiting.

He checked the clock, knowing he still had another hour, which was plenty of time. He continued to sing to himself, the song Brian had recorded for him a few months before while he swapped the pans and cleaned up after himself.

He had the cookies done and cooling, set on racks while he quickly washed the pans. He could hear his boys coming downstairs and turned to face them, smiling amused at the curious looks on their faces.

"You made cookies, oh my god," Jon gasped excitedly as he jumped on Brock, kissing him deeply as Brock laughed and hugged the smaller man tightly. He grinned at the other three, finding himself in a group hug and face peppered with kisses.

Brock loved surprising his boys, especially during moments like this where they could just hang out, eating cookies and exchanging kisses.

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