Capítulo 34

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Their plan had everything going for it. Maybe the plan isn't the right way to call the idea of going to Hagrid and confronting the half-giant for the truth, but they're twelve and their friend is petrified, not as if they're the wisest people in the school anyway.

Using the invisibility cloak and the clarity of the starry night to their advantage, Ron and Harry made their way through the school to the outside, and then across the grounds between the castle and Hagrid's hut. Everything seemed strangely quiet that night as if even the environment noticed the tension in the air.

It was frightening and very suspicious when Hagrid opened the door of his hut with his crossbow cocked and aimed at them. Fortunately, the man lowered his weapon as soon as he realized it was them.

Unfortunately, as soon as Harry asked the question that led them there, Who opened the Chamber of Secrets the first time? Someone knocked on the cabin door, startling the three of them.

Harry and Ron hid under the invisibility cloak and watched in shock as Dumbledore and another man entered.

"That's Dad's boss," Ron muttered, "Fudge, the Minister for Magic."

They watched as the Minister talked to Hagrid about the attacks, three of them. And now they would take Hagrid to Azkaban, while Dumbledore assured the politician that the half-giant had his full confidence.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, the door opened again and Mr. Malfoy entered the cabin. His snobbish presence transformed the warm and cozy place into an icy one, reeking of arrogance.

"The counselors and I think it's time for you to leave the scene," Malfoy said to Dumbledore - "here is a suspension order," he walked over to the principal to hand him a piece of parchment "You will find the twelve signatures."

Harry and Ron exchanged startled glances as they listened to Dumbledore being removed as Headmaster because of the attacks. They held back from saying anything and revealing their presence there, they'd be in big trouble if that happened, but Harry wanted to throw some jinx at Malfoy.

Dumbledore then looked directly at them, hidden under the cloak, then left to follow Malfoy. Fudge then went to the door, calling Hagrid to accompany him.

"If anyone's looking for anything," Hagrid said nervously, looking everywhere but where the two boys were, "my advice is to follow the spiders."


"Why the spiders?" Ron whined, "Why not, follow the butterflies?"

The red-headed boy was terrified, almost shaking since they had started following several little spiders that had escaped from the school.

"I remember seeing several of them running out of the window when Justin and Nick were attacked."

"I'm terrified of spiders Harry" Ron replied "I don't care what they do as long as it's away from me."

"Come on Ron, we've got to find out what's going on."

He whined again.

It had been two days since Headmaster Dumbledore had been removed from the school, and now Professor Minerva was in charge, the rumors only getting worse after Hagrid was arrested.

Malfoy made stupid jokes about the half-giants arrest whenever he could, even if it meant that Hagrid was the heir to Slytherin.

Harry wasn't so confident that it was, but he had to do something to help the school. If Hogwarts was closed, what would become of his life? Return to live permanently with the Dursleys or be sent to a horrible boarding school where he would be as badly treated as he was at home?

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