Chapter 4. Two Girls at Once

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The room is dimmed with only the light from our TV shining. I wrapped my arms tightly around the smaller girl who is sitting on my lap, eyes glued to the movie that we are watching; Harry Potter. It's fair to say that I'm not giving any of my attention to this movie, though, Hanni is a huge Harry Potter fan.

I bury my head in the cradle of her neck, and I take in a big sniff as I do so. Unlike Danielle who smelled like coconut, Hanni smells a lot like a ripened peach.

Danielle and Hanni are both unique people with such differences. Hanni is two years older than I am but at times she acts a lot like a baby. While Danielle is two years younger, she acts a lot more mature than people her age, whenever I talk to her it's like I'm talking to an equal.

"You smell nice," I mumbled as I placed wet, soft kisses on her neck. "You didn't even pay attention to the movie!", "This is the 10th time of us watching Harry Potter!"

She turned her head back, facing me with a huge frown and pouts displayed on her face. My hands softly cupped her cheeks before pulling her face closer to mine, a quick peck on the lips. "Let's go to bed."

My finger pressed the TV remote control to turn it off, complete darkness filled the room as soon as the lights were closed off. I felt a tight grip on my shirt and a slight whimper. "It's okay, I'm here," I whispered into her ears before picking the latter up into my arms. I carefully bridal carry her up into our bedroom.

Is Danielle also scared of the dark?

I turned on the night lamp located in the corner of our room to keep the room dark, but not complete darkness.

Our bodies pressed tightly together as we cuddled under the covers against the chilly air at night.

"You don't have to make breakfast for me tomorrow. I'm going to have breakfast with a client," I said while slowly running my hand up and down her back.

"Oh okay, thank you for telling me."

I made plans with Danielle earlier through text that we can have breakfast together tomorrow before her class starts. As long as they don't find out about each other, then I should be good.... right?

"How was your day today?" Her voice and soft touch flinched me back to reality. "It was alright, just the usual. I also looked through a bunch of internship requests.", "Any interesting ones?" Her tone is filled with great curiosity, and her eyes sparkle as she looks into my eyes.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it. A girl wrote down her favourite thing to do nowadays is to sit down and name all of her belongings. Such as socks." Indeed, I bursted out laughing as I saw Danielle's application. Seriously? I get naming animals or stuffed toys but I've never heard of naming objects with no characteristics whatsoever.

I heard chuckles coming out of Hanni's mouth, her eyes closed together whenever she genuinely found something funny. "Really? Socks? Did you make this story up?" Her eyebrows furrow, oh, I get it. If I were you I wouldn't believe this either.

"Of course not! She even drew socks and labelled each and every one of them. I remember their names as Jerry, Fred, and Henry." I explained wholeheartedly. I realised that my lips were formed into a huge smile as I talked about Danielle, even without mentioning her name.

"Also enough about me. How was your day?" The girl's eyes dart up to the ceiling as she thinks of how to put everything together. "Aside from a few very rude patients, everything was great! I had lunch with Nurse Shuhua and Dr. Kim even bought me my favourite Starbucks order." Her eyes lit up as she went on and on about the taste of her drink and how refreshing it was.

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