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Seriously, can today get any more unlucky than it already is for me? All I wanted to do was give Freen a giveaway present, a sort of good luck charm to help her with her studies, and something to remind her that I will always be here for her, waiting and always ready to help. If I knew that things would turn out this way, I would have done something about it yesterday or even last night.

I left the house early and arrived at the shop before it even opened just to make sure that I had enough time to get to the airport, but I didn't expect the shopkeeper to make a mistake that would put me in this situation that might just make me miss Freen before she leaves. I really don't want that to happen.

Ever since I entered the taxi, I have taken my phone and started calling Richie, but his phone line has been busy all this time. If I don't reach the airport in time, the next time that I'll be able to see Freen will be four years from now, and the simple thought of that is plainly a nightmare to me, but Richie is not helping. I dialed one more time, slightly hating him in the process, and this time, the line started ringing, which immediately stopped and was replaced with his annoyed, annoying voice "Where are you?" he blurted out immediately, all scolding and no love at all. "Who have you been on the line with all this time?" I asked in return, not wanting to back down with his scolding "I've been calling you for a while now, and your phone has been busy" I added, simply being stubborn to back down.

"I've been calling you and your phone has been busy" Richie answered, and his response quickly made us realize how stupid we have been acting. Of course, our line will be busy if we are calling each other at the same time. That's so lame. "Forget about that" I can clearly imagine his face turning red due to embarrassment and simply wanting to push the topic aside and move on. "Where are you anyway?" he said, voice slightly raised "I'm almost there" I told him as I peeked through the window to know my current location, and I could tell that I wasn't that far away "I'm about to get down from the taxi, and then I'll enter the airport" I explained to him, even I could hear the desperateness in my voice.

"Come quickly!" he said, as if I didn't already know that "Freen's flight's about to leave soon, she needs to board fast" he added, not helping and simply made me more anxious. I have to get there soon and say goodbye to Freen personally.

I was out the door as soon as the taxi stopped. I made the right choice by paying ahead of time; that way, I didn't have to worry about it anymore and was simply on my way to see Freen. Ever since I got down, my feet seem to have a mind of their own and have not stopped moving, dodging through the pedestrians and avoiding baggage that is all over the place. Richie has told me how to get to them fast, so I didn't bother looking at anything else but the way, making sure to take care of the package that I have in my hand.

I don't know how fast or how slow it took me, but I was very happy when I finally saw a glimpse of them, running even faster until I finally reached them "Becky" Freen called out to me as soon as she saw me, and I ran straight towards her, wrapping my arms around her. I am truly and definitely happy to see her.

"Where were you?" I heard Richie ask me, ruining my moment with Freen, so I simply ignored him. "I'm sorry for arriving late" I apologized to Freen as I let go of my hold of her and took one step back. "I just wanted to give you a present before you left, but things didn't go as planned" I explained to her, but she simply gave me a smile "Don't worry about" she said "What matters is that you're here" she added, making me smile happily in return.

"I had this made for you to remind you that even when you're far away, you will always have us, have me" I told Freen "We will be here to support you with everything you do and help you with each and every problem that you might encounter along the way" I explained further.

"I hate to cut this good bye short, but Freen really needs to leave now" it was my mom who interrupted and captured our attention. "Thank you for this" Freen said to me "Make sure to be a good girl and listen to your parents and your brother, ok?" she added "Of course I'll listen to mom and dad, I can't promise to listen to Richie though" was my reply that brought laughter to everyone and, most importantly, to Freen.

"I have to go" Freen said this time. She looked at us one by one as if saying another wave of goodbye in silence, and no one dared to say a word. She then started walking deeper into the airport, and we stood there silently, following her every step with our eyes, each and every one of us saying our goodbyes in our own way, praying for her safety and a fulfilling journey.

I was so upset when I found out about this, but I was glad that I had the opportunity to spend her remaining days here together before she finally left. Four years will be quite some time to endure, but I know that it will pass by before we know it. When we no longer had Freen within our sight, our parents decided that it was time to go.

Not long after we left the airport, I received a message that truly made my day.

Thank you for the music box; I'll treasure it well. - Freen

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