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My day at school was bad today, I can't say it's the worst but it's not really good either. I was called out on basically every subject and every single time I was asked the hardest question. I really need to thank my past self for her time studying because if not for her I wouldn't have been able to answer those questions and I would have spent the entire day being scolded by my professors and would be the worst.

"Come on, Bec" Irin said to get my attention, hooking her arm with my own "There's no need to be so down" I can tell that she's trying to encourage me but today was just not good for me. It somehow feels like nothing is going right, from my home, my love and now my school. It is kind of making me discouraged once again.

"You just need some time to rest, tomorrow would definitely be better" she added. I can hear her desperate attempt to make me feel better and I truly appreciate her efforts. I look to her direction "Yeah" I replied halfheartedly "You might be right" I said, trying to have myself be cheered up "Tomorrow will be another day and by then, things would be better" I tried to sound upbeat but I know that she knows that we both know that I'm not really fine. "That's right" she replied happily "No need to worry" she added.

"Oh look!" she exclaimed, gazing towards something a few meters away from us "I can already see your car" she informed me "Early as always" she commented "We should go, let's not make your brother wait or he's gonna tease us and complain to us again" the mischief in her voice was accompanied with a shaky quiver of her voice that did not get pass through my hearing.

With that, Irin took my hand and led the way towards the car, navigating through the sea of people that were also on their way out of the school premises. I simply looked down and let myself be pulled along and steered by Irin, putting my trust to my best friend.

Upon arriving at the car parked by the side of the street, Irin opened the front passenger seat and basically pushed me inside, making me almost lose balance and fall inside the car. She quickly and expertly put my seatbelt on, not giving me any chance to do anything. "What's wrong with you?" I asked her as I tried to understand the reasoning behind her action. Normally, we would sit at the backseat of the car and chat away until we reached Irin's house before finally going home. We basically treat Richie as a designated driver for the two of us and most of the time ignore his presence inside the car, that's why it is kind of perplexing for her to be acting like this and forcing me to sit here.

"Sorry, Bec" she started, putting her two hands together in front of her as an apology. "I actually have a prior schedule with my mom" she told me using that voice that she knows will make me feel sorry for her and make me unable to be mad at her "I really want to stay with you but you how my mom is, I can't break a promise to her" she explained.

I have actually met her mom a lot of times; she's a very nice and classy lady. She's fun to be with and would actually go along with all our nonsense but I also know that her mom really hates people who lie and those that don't keep their word. She has a very smiley face but her angry face is really scary. I have only seen her angry once and I can never forget it.

I sigh.

"Ok, ok" I said in defeat. "I'll see you tomorrow then" I told her and was able to see her visibly relax. I would really like to stay with her and let out some load, rant about my frustrations, but I guess I'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow. I can handle another day by myself, right? I doubt that it's going to be that hard.

"See you tomorrow" she said before finally closing the car door. She gave me a wave goodbye as the car started to pull away from its parking space. Looking through the side mirror, I watched her watch us until she was out of my sight when the car took a turn towards the next street before slumping myself down on the seat and letting out a rather loud sigh and closing my eyes.

I leaned back to my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to display the 'I'm not really in the mood to talk' kind of vibe, hoping to spare myself from Richie's antics or worse, his attempt to talk to me in a serious manner. If I won't be able to let out my frustrations with my best friend today then I would rather have a moment of silence with my own thoughts, at least for today.

I know he teases me with every chance he gets but Richie is actually a very over protective brother and I know that despite his constant complaining with me and my attitude, he's the one who truly understands how I feel next to my parents. If I were to compare between him and Irin, the only difference is that I actually talk to Irin about my feelings.

Honestly, I don't know how Richie understands my way of thinking and the way I'm feeling but he really does. It is kind of annoying but it also makes me feel relieved that he's always there for me and I do plan to do the same for him, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Bec" my thoughts were suddenly and immediately disrupted with just one call and I found myself in a rather uneasy situation.

I wanted to stay under the radar for a little while and avoid any sort of talk or confrontation with anyone. No, I don't want to address the problem just yet, at least not until I'm able to make a solid plan on how I'm gonna take care and take charge of this situation, but then again, I guess life has other plans.

Snapping my eyes open, I turned to look towards the driver seat and found myself unconsciously holding my breath.


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