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"Bec" I called a little more loudly this time, it made her flinch but not fully wake up and so I tried again, giving her a little tap in accompaniment. She started moving and slightly opened her eyes.

Slowly, she started stretching her arms as she detached herself from me. Her movements, as though imitating a sloth, were slow as she pushed herself up and sat on the bed, blinking the sleepiness away from her eyes. I matched her movements and slowly sat up on my bed, keeping a safe distance between the two of us.

With her eyes half open, she started scanning the area as if she were trying to recognize the place. Her eyes finally stopped wandering around when they met mine. I was not really expecting her face to light up and show a smile, but the indifference still hurt. Then her eyes started to finally be cleared, going from sleepy indifference to pain, and that hurt me even worse.

I don't like it. Her looking at me that way. I really hate it. I wish she would never look at me that way ever again, but I can't tell her that because I know that it really was entirely my fault this time. "When did you get here?" I asked carefully, not wanting to antagonize the girl even further than I already have.

"I don't remember" she finally answered after a few moments of silence. "I didn't check the time when I came over" she added, and for a moment there I saw a glimpse of the usual Becky that I talk to. "Are you still angry at me?" I gathered my courage to ask, feeling a little elated by the positive sign that I had noticed. She looked at me straight in the eyes but didn't say anything. I waited for a little while, but I knew that she was not going to give me an answer. I took a deep breath. "Bec" I called her, adding a pleading tone to my voice.

"I'm still angry" she said and despite the fact that I already knew, hearing her say it still hurts. It feels like getting sliced on an already-opened wound. "Tell me" she started "Did you not want me to know about you leaving?" she asked, and the pain in her voice brought pain to my heart as well. "No" I answered quickly and confidently. "I actually wanted for you to be the first to know, I wanted to be the one to tell you but just the simple thought of you being sad made me feel so guilty that I couldn't do it" I confessed instantly, wanting and hoping for Becky to understand how I'm feeling.

"I know that I really messed up" I said, now looking down on my now fidgeting hand. "I know that I hurt you and made you mad, but please---" I looked up, trying to look at her eyes even though I honestly want to avoid them right now "---don't hate me" the shaking in my voice was very apparent to me, and I'm sure that Becky heard it too, no matter how I wished it wouldn't. Putting her cute demeanor and childish actions aside, she is very perceptive in such matters.

Becky reached out her hand, cupping my face and slowly caressing my face with her thumb "Don't cry" she said with a low voice before reaching out with her other hand, and that's when I realized what she was really doing, she was wiping tears away from my face. I didn't even realize that I was crying. "I'm sorry" I said once more as I stop myself from crying and she gave a small nod in reply. Judging from the look on her eyes, I can see that she's trying to stop her own tears from falling.

"Make it up to me" she suddenly said as she retracted her hand from my face. I only looked at her, not really knowing what to say. "I'll forgive you, but you have to make it up to me" she said, and for a moment there, I heard some hesitation in her voice, and I could see her blushing a little bit, which I really find to be so cute and adorable. I wanted to pinch her cheeks, but now is not really the time. I gave her a smile and finally nodded in response.

"What would you like for me to do?" I asked, unable to hide the joy behind each word. I really don't like being in an argument, a confrontation, or even a misunderstanding, especially with my Becbec. She is my little angel, after all. "When will you be leaving?" she asked sadly, and I couldn't help but feel sad too. "In a few days" I said, which resulted in her wearing a small pout. "You're done with all the preparations?" she asked, and I answered with a nod. "So, you are free from now on? Nothing else to do, right?" she asked eagerly, and for some reason, I think I know where she is going with this.

"I do have some things to take care of from here and there but I'm free nonetheless" was my answer and her pout immediately turned upside down. "Then, from now on until you leave, you will have to spend your time with me" was what she said, and I knew that I was right. I kind of expected it but it's not like I mind, so I agreed instantly. "What do you want to do today then?" I asked her and the sudden brightness and excitement on her face were priceless. It made me a little sad that I didn't get to record it. "Let's go out, have fun!" she started. "We can go to an amusement park, have a picnic and eat out" she listed happily, and I couldn't help but smile too.

"We'll do all of that and more" I told her "I promise to make up for not being able to tell you sooner so let's go and have fun"

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter...

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