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It's only been a few days but I'm glad to be able to see some progress with Becky. Although I know that she's still suffering from heartache, I can surely her efforts in moving on despite the slow process. I know it's definitely going to be a long and hard process for her considering their relationship and the closeness of their families but I am definitely positive that she'll be back to her usual self in no time.

"Hey" I called out as soon as I knew that she was in close proximity enough to hear me clearly and opened my arms as an invitation for a hug, short or long, whichever she prefers.

Wearing a bit brighter smile on her face, she stretched out her arms and went in for a rather tight hug immediately. "How are you feeling?" I whispered to her, knowing that this won't be the first time that someone would ask her. I would like to at least let her know how sincerely I am worried about her well-being.

"I'm okay" she answered quickly before letting go of the hug and looked at me straight in the eyes "Well, not really okay but... I'm okay" she added as she nodded her head a couple of times "You know what I mean?" just looking at the smile on her face tells me that she's not lying and for now, that would be enough so I gave her a reassuring nod to let her know that I understand. Soon after, Becky and I started walking our way to school.

Since that night, I made sure to keep in close contact with her, closer than the normal amount of contact that we have. I went to her house on a daily basis and spent time with her as much as possible and even started going to their house so I could accompany her to school.

Honestly, I just don't want to give her any excuse to miss classes. I've seen her work too hard for so long just to put it all in vain.

I have been observing her these past few days and school seems to be a good distraction for her but during the nights when things are quiet, that's the time that I catch her having a blank expression. She seemed colorless and lifeless during those times and it's honestly very painful to see.

"You know" I started as soon as we left their street "Since it's a weekend and we have no classes tomorrow, do you want to go out with me tonight?" I'm being careful so as to not come off as being desperate. I know that she needs time to clear her mind and deal with the pain but maybe, just maybe, a change of scenery would help.

"Ok" she answered after a moment "But you know I still have to ask my parents, right?" she added immediately but I was already aware of it and had already told them about it beforehand so I already know what the answer will be but Becky didn't have to know that so I answered simply "Of course"

"Where are we going anyway?" she asked as we turn to the next street "You remember Non?" was my question and she gave me a nod in response "He said that they're throwing a party tonight and a lot of people are already expected to come and he invited us" I told her.

I continued to give her details as we continue to walk our way to school and soon enough, we have reached the school. We spent the day as usual, go to class, eat lunch together, more classes and went home but this time, Becky went to my house to change our clothes before going straight to the party since Bec has already gotten her permission earlier today.

"I'm sure everyone's going to be super excited to know that you're attending" I commented silently but Becky was able to hear me still. "Why is that?" she asked, confused and I couldn't help but let out a scoff. I know she's my friend and that the two of us are practically inseparable in the eyes of everyone else from school but I honestly can't understand how she could be so dense despite being so smart.

The day that we entered our school is also the day that her fan club was made. There is a line of people idolizing her and practically fighting against each other to get her attention but just the way she is, all of these simply pass her pique of interest. I could only shake my head.

"You know that you're basically the most popular girl at school" I answered her "There's actually a lot of people who has openly proclaimed their feelings for you, guys and girls alike, some are even brave enough to approach you but you simply brushed them aside" I told her "There's actually a group for people who has been rejected by you" I said with frustration and the look of surprise on her face was actually so priceless that I forgot why I was frustrated to begin with.

I couldn't help but laugh in the end.

"You know what, don't worry about it" I was snickering while Bec has started blushing.

She's simply adorable.

Once we were changed and ready, we went out to grab the taxi that I have booked previously and finally went on our way to the party.

Upon entering the place, I could immediately feel the stares of the guests despite knowing that it wasn't intended for me. I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, good thing that Non came to welcome us as soon as he saw us.

"I see that the star guest has arrived!" was his greeting as soon as he reached us "Stop that!" was Becky's only reply.

We exchanged a few more words before he bid us a temporary farewell to tend to his other guest and we went ahead to enjoy the party but was once again stopped by someone.

"Irin!" I turned to look and was glad to see a familiar face "Heidi!" 

Hi everyone!

Anyway, here's another chapter...

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