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"Here" I said as I push my plate towards the eight-year-old Becky who's sitting right beside me "You can have mine" I offered with a smile eliciting an even bigger smile from her that instantly removed that frown off of her face. "You're spoiling her too much Freen" the twelve-year-old Richie retorted, giving me a dismissive look. "She could have just taken another slice of cake from the table. You didn't have to give her yours" he commented and I only chuckled at his discontent. "That's ok Richie, I could just get another slice for myself" I assured him as I stood up from my seat, taking Becky's empty plate with me. "Do you want another slice too?" I asked as I reached out my hand towards his plate that still has a half-eaten slice of cake but he declined. "I'm good" he said. "I can barely finish this one, I don't need another one"

"See!" the eight-year-old Becky suddenly yelled. "You can't finish it all but you won't give me even just a little!" she has that sulking, angry face of hers where her cheeks become so puffed, it makes me want to pinch her. "Why would I give my cake to you?" Richie started teasing her again. I just shook my head in defeat. "I hate you, Richie! I don't want you as my brother anymore!" Becky retaliates, crossing her arms across her chest. "It doesn't work like that you know" Richie teased even more. "You have the same blood as me so I will always be your brother" he stuck his tongue out knowing that it will irritate the girl even more. "Then... then I'll remove all my blood and have Freen's instead. That way she can be my sister and we'll have the same blood" the thought was so ridiculously cute that I couldn't help but laugh. How does she get such ideas. "That's not how it works Bec" I said, placing a hand on top of her head, giving her hair a little ruffle before finally walking off to get myself another piece of cake. "You're stuck with me kid" I heard Richie say to Becky, making me smile, knowing just how much Richie honestly loves and adores his baby sister.


"Until what time is the party going to be held?" I asked Becky as we alight the car and closed the door. "My friends said that it would probably end by eight" she answered. "Call me when it's done, I'm going to pick you up" Richie chimed in from the driver's seat, making the two of us look to his direction. "Are you going to pick me up too?" Becky asked, looking at me and ignoring his brother. I smiled. "Maybe" I teased, as I threw some glances towards Richie who gave a nod. "Please!" she whined, wrapping her arms around mine, slightly swaying her body along with my arm. "I don't want to be in the car alone with him" she whimpered, pointing a finger towards his brother who simply rolled his eyes with the action. "Ok, ok. I'll make sure to tag along with Richie and pick you up later" I said, finally giving in just like the way it usually does. If Richie's made it clear that teasing the girl is his way of showing affection, it was the opposite for me since I could never last long with the teasing and simply give in.

Letting out a squeal, Becky threw her arms around me, enclosing me into a tight hug. "Make sure to take care of yourself during the party ok" I told her the moment that she pulled away "Of course!" she replied immediately. "I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself" she said ever so proudly, making me smile. "Yes, you are" Richie commented gaining another death glare from her sister for the second time today. "I'm not!" she argued, crossing her arms across her chest again. Looking so cute despite the look of irritation showing on her face. Seriously, how can such a beautiful angel exist. "You are a child" Richie argued back but before the situation escalates even more, I stepped in to stop the two from going in to another screaming contest that I've already had watched far too many of. "Come on, Bec" I cooed. "You don't want to be late for the party, right?" I added and that got her attention. She stopped whatever it is that she was going to say and looked at me, once again ignoring his brother. "Go ahead and join your friends, we'll come back and pick you up later" I said with a smile, making her smile in return and immediately head inside the location of the party, waving her hand and throwing one last goodbye before finally disappearing inside.

Now seated in the passenger seat, Richie started driving us back to our houses. "So, how's everything going?" he asked as he drives through the highway, eyes not leaving the road. "Good" I answered immediately, understanding his question perfectly. "So far, everything's going according to plan" I added, gaining a knowing nod from him. "You know that you have to tell her sooner or later, right?" he said, reminding me of something I can't even forget. "She's really fond of you so hearing the news will certainly break her" I have told Richie about my plans but I have yet to tell Becky. I've been trying but I can't seem to find the right timing to tell her. "It's going to be better for you to tell her rather than just her hear it from us" he added and just the thought of it really got me somehow scared. I don't want Becky to cry, especially if it's because of me. "I know" I said as I lower my head down, feeling guilty for not being able to do it soon enough. "At this point, everyone already knows except for her" I uttered, feeling worse. "She might hate me because of this" I murmured, feeling a lump in my throat start to build up. "I doubt that" he said, chuckling. "She likes you way too much to be able to hate you" he added as he gives my shoulder a playful slap without taking his eyes away from the road. "I hope you're right" I let out a sigh as I try to think for the nth how I'm gonna have to go and break the news to her.

"Anyway, are you just gonna stay home until the time that we have to pick her up?" he asked with a happy voice, trying to lighten up the gloomy atmosphere and I truly appreciate the gesture. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked in return. "I was thinking of going to the store to buy some things before going home" he answered. "Can I tag along?" I asked. "I don't really have much to do anyway" I admitted and was glad when he agreed.

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the delay... 

things are really hectic for me as of the moment so I think that this series is going to have slow updates...

I'll try to write and upload as fast as possible but I'm making no promises as to when...

Anyways, thank you for taking time to read this one and I hope to see you in the next one...

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