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As the car slowed down and came to a stop, I saw Becky take small steps closer and stop a few inches away from the door on the driver's side of the car.

For some reason, I fail to neither see, understand, nor realize, seeing this action made me start getting anxious, which soon turned into a slight panic. Hurriedly, I unfastened my seatbelt, opened the car on my side, and bolted out of the car, but stopped and turned to see her reaction without taking another step from where I was. Stuck between the car and its door, I looked at her and saw the confusion in her eyes as she looked at me from across the vehicle.

I was about to call her name when another voice got both of our attention "Good evening" it was him who greeted Becky as soon as he closed the car door, while the girl simply stood there frozen in place, but with her eyes was going back and forth between him and me as if she were trying to make sense of the confusing situation that she had encountered.

I was so fixated on Becky that I didn't even notice him get out of the car.

During these past few days, I've brought nothing but pain to Becky, and knowing that truly makes me feel so bad, it really hurts. I don't like seeing her in pain, and I hate it even more to know that those pains are all caused by me, that she is hurting because of me.

"I apologize for coming here unannounced" he said before showing a guilty smile, which immediately brought me back from my thoughts "I seem to be doing nothing but that" he stated as I finally start my way towards the two of them, closing the door behind me as I go "Not good for a first impression huh?" he added, half-joking, but Bec only showed him a courtesy smile, which kind of made me feel relief knowing that the Becky I know is still there. After all, Bec is not someone who would put anyone in an awkward position, she's not someone who will humiliate someone or hurt them deliberately. She's a good person that way.

"Why are you still up, Bec?" I asked, wanting to have her attention back to me. I can tell that she's not comfortable with his presence, so this is the least I could do. "Were you waiting for someone?" I asked "Were you waiting for me?" I added it immediately.

"Yeah" she said quietly "I was told that you hadn't arrived home yet so I got worried since it's already this late" I can see her steal glances towards him as she answers "But it seems like I didn't have to" the bitterness in her voice was clearly heard by me, and that simply reminded me of how things ended this morning.

"I also got worried, so I went to her office to make sure that nothing's wrong" he interjected before I could come up with a reply "You see, Freen" he said, facing me. "There are people who get worried for you, so make sure to come home early next time" he did say it with a teasing tone but it got Becky to make a sour face which she immediately fixed, so only I was able to take notice. "She can get quite preoccupied with her task sometimes" he told Becky, who simply kept a poker face.

"Aa! That reminds me" he said all of a sudden, not loudly but loud enough for Becky and me to hear "I want to apologize about what happened this morning" he said seriously, looking at Becky "It seems like I have interrupted something important, I'm really sorry" he said, bowing his head as he apologize.

It seems like I'm not the only one who was caught off guard with this gesture when I saw Becky blink her eyes a couple of times.

"It's fine" she said flatly "Just think of it as nothing important" she told him while he was still bowing down but her eyes were looking straight into mine and all of a sudden I felt myself feeling hurt yet had nothing to refute it all.

"It seems like I'm not needed here so I'll just go" was what she said before immediately turning her back on us and was about to leave when he called out to her. "What is it?" she asked as she turned back, facing us again.

"Do you have some time this weekend?" he asked her, making the two of us bewildered and rendered speechless. He didn't seem to understand the misunderstanding implied with his words and simply stood there waiting for a response. "I would like to invite you to an outing" he said, adding more to the misunderstanding "Before coming here, I have planned out an outing with Freen and her friends in order for me to get familiar with the place and at the same time learn more things about her" he finally explained, successfully clearing any and all misunderstanding about the topic. "Plus, I still feel a bit guilty about what happened so I would like to try and make it all up with you" he said guiltily.

At this moment, I was the one frozen in place. I know that he is genuinely inviting us to have some fun, so I don't want to disregard his intention by turning him down, but I also know that Becky is not really the type to be open to someone she just met, plus the fact that it has only been days since she found out about him. I honestly don't know how to respond without hurting one or the other, so I was racking my brains to find the right solution, but Becky beat me to it.

"Okay" she said in a slightly cold manner "I'll let Richie know too" was the last thing she said before turning her back on us once again, and this time leaving without looking back.

Did I make another mistake?

I hope things will be fine.

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late upload, it has been quite hectic for me...

Anyways, here's another chapter...

My AngelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu