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I entered the house as silently as I could. I was being careful as to not bump into anyone, even with my head down, because I know that if they see me in this state, then I will be in for more conversation that I would love to be spared from. I saw how my family looked at me this morning, and I know that they will be watching me for the time being just to make sure that I truly am okay, while I know that I could never fool them. No matter how hard I try, both families know me all too well. I've always thought of that as an advantage, but right now, I wish they didn't know how I feel. I wish they didn't know me that well.

"Bec'' I heard someone call me the moment I opened the door to my own room. Alarmed, I looked up to search for the source and was utterly surprised to see Irin. She was standing right in the middle of my room. "How did you get here?" was the first thing I asked as soon as I closed the door.

I know that our house and our school were within close proximity, but I can't think of how she was able to get here faster than me who left the premises first and was even using a car which I know for a fact is much faster than the pace of a person walking. "That's not the point" was all she said, brushing the topic aside. "Didn't you say you have an appointment with your mom?" I asked, determined to get some sort of answer from the girl.

"I lied" she answered simply and shortly, yet effectively annoying me "More importantly" she emphasized, once again brushing off the previous conversation "How did it go with your talk with P'Freen?" she asked sincerely, but that only confirmed my suspicion. Irin did know that Freen was the one driving the car earlier, and she lied to me in order for me to have some alone time with Freen just so we could have the talk that I very much wanted to avoid.

"So you did know that Freen was the one driving the car?" I asked angrily "I can't believe you betrayed me like that!" I stated before I started walking towards my bed. I'm not really in the best mood, and my patience is already almost at its limit. The last thing I want is to have a fight with Irin, but what she did hurts me.

"I helped you" she replied calmly as she took hold of my hand as I was walking past her, making me stop on the spot. She pulled on me a little, just enough for the two of us to end up facing each other. "Admit it, Bec" she said as she looked straight into my eyes "You know that it would be better to get it over with than to pointlessly prolong the situation" she was using her elder sister vibe and it somehow felt unfair "You're the one who's gonna get hurt the most and I don't like that" she added, finishing her speech.

I know what she said was true. I love Irin as a sister, and this attitude of hers is something that I truly admire, but today, this moment, this time, I just hoped to find a comrade of some sort. I guess I just wanted someone to take my side and understand my decisions despite knowing that they were not the steps that would bring out the best outcome.

"No!" I retorted, not wanting to show my inner turmoil, pulling my hand away from her grip "You don't get to use the elder sister tone on me" I said, more calmly this time as I step back and inch myself away from her "You always use that tone when it's convenient for you and most of the time that's when I get angry at you, that's cheating" I added, voicing out my frustration to her.

I thought I saw her smile a little but the expression immediately disappeared and I had to ask myself if that was just my eyes playing tricks on me. I'm positive with what I saw but before I could even ask her about it, she opened her arms wide, urging me to come in for a hug.

I was hesitant, I don't want her to win and get her way with what just happened but I don't want to push her away too.

She must have seen my dilemma and had decided to make the decision for me, so she took a step forward before pulling me to her and enveloping me with both her arms and into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry if I pushed you into that situation" she said with her truly sincere voice, and I was actually shocked to suddenly hear her apologize "You know that I would help you with anything and that I have your best interest in mind" her words are really getting to me and I finally let my guard down but am still not reciprocating the hug.

"I know that I put you on the spot but I truly and honestly think that it was the best solution at the time" I was contemplating as to whether or not I should break away from the hug, but Irin went on with her explanation "You know that running away is not gonna solve anything and I know that talking with P'Freen gave you some sort of clarification or at least an idea of what you should do next" she started tapping gently on my back, the same way she always does whenever she tries to comfort me "I'm here, I'll listen to whatever you want to say, anything you want to talk about" and with that, my anger dissipated totally, as if the feeling wasn't even there to begin with.

"She told me she has a boyfriend" I told her after a few moments of silence.

The words felt like sand in my mouth, but it was the first thing that I was able to tell her. I hated saying the words; it just felt like I was acknowledging the idea, something that I didn't want to do despite knowing the truth.

Before I knew it, I was already crying. I found myself holding onto Irin and crying my eyes out. All the pain that I felt during my days of solitude, the pain I felt when I saw her this morning, the pain I felt during our unexpected car ride and the pain I felt when she told me the truth finally resurfaced and I could no longer hold it in.

Completely relying on Irin and throwing myself into her embrace, I finally let it all out and cried to my heart's content.

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter...

I know that updating once a week is too slow, but my schedule is not really friendly with my writing, so this is the best I could manage...

Still, I make sure to update once a week, at the same time, on the same day, and I hope that's going to be good enough for now...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy and see you on the next one...

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