Act 1 Chp 2.1: First Step

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Stepping out of the room, I see a few sisters preparing to start working for the day, and The Seneschal is talking with one of them. Not long after, the Seneschal sees me and walks toward me for a greeting.

"Good morning, Morgan. I didn't expect to see you this early."

"Good morning. Yeah, I guess I want to take a stroll for a while. Staying inside all day will deteriorate my health after all."

He seemed surprised.

"I see. It might be too early, but do you want breakfast?"

I shake my head, "It's okay. I can do that later."

"Are you sure? I suggest you fill your energy in the morning while you still can."

"It's fine, really."

"If you say so. But may I know where you are going, Morgan?"

"Well, I am just planning to walk around the city. I don't really have anything particular in mind. But I'll be back before sunset."

"If that is the case," The Seneschal takes something out from his back, "Here, take this."

"You can choose between having breakfast here in an hour or purchasing one outside. That amount of mora should be sufficient, right?" He added.

I open the pouch to see it contains mora, lots of mora. Quickly closing it back, I shove the bag back to him while saying,

"I- I think it's too much. I don't want to trouble you more than I already have."

"Please don't say that, Morgan. You're not troubling me or anyone here." The Seneschal pleaded.

"Just take this with you. What you will spend the mora besides buying food is up to you."

The way he apologized to me sincerely with his heart made me have no heart to refuse it, but at the same time, I couldn't accept it with my whole heart either.

"Then, I'll accept this," I uttered before putting the pouch on my hip and bowing slightly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Take care, Morgan." He nodded.

"Please excuse me."

Yet, before I can walk away two steps, the Seneschal calls me out.



"May the wind guide you. I pray your day went smoothly."

"... Thank you. I hope the same goes for you."

Walking towards the door, my conversation with the Seneschal ends there.


The sky is clear, with almost no clouds on the horizon. Inhaling fresh air in the morning relaxes my body. At the same time, this is a perfect opportunity for me to clear my mind. However,

"I legit have no idea what to do from here." I mumbled.

[Good grief, why are you acting like a lost lamb?]

"Well, I didn't think I would actually go this far. At first, I thought I would chicken out and lock myself again."

I didn't realize until now that my body feel stiff and heavy. Once, I read in a book that a healthy mind is a healthy body. Maybe I should warm up my body for a bit before going anywhere, and it's not like I have any plans for now. So much for recovery.

Doing it near the church felt weird, but since no one was there, I ignored it and finished in around 10 minutes. I ended it because I already felt exhausted, and my body felt hurt when I tried to push it.

I take a break by leaning on one of the Church's pillars outside.

[You're surprisingly weaker than I thought.]

"Well, sorry to disappoint your expectations. You can laugh if you want."

[Don't worry. It's just my misconception. Is there a reason why you started working out?]

"Hmm... When I think about it, not really. Why?"

[Was it not because you want to become stronger?]

"Ah, now you mention it. I remember something. I told my parents I wanted to become a knight one day. How- Kuh!" I growled.

My hands clutch my head, and my vision becomes blurry, but not for long. My heartbeat spikes when that happens. I take a deep breath for a few minutes to control myself, and it doesn't take long to make me calm. I guess reading a book about therapy was worth it.

Honestly, what happened to me? Remembering my parents always gave me a sudden headache out of nowhere. Hell, even just mentioning them also triggers it sometimes. It's like my mind refuses to lay a finger on that memory.

[You good?]

"I guess..." I panted.

[Okay, let's change the topic then. Are you still planning to become a knight?]


Before answering him, I contemplate for a moment. Do I still want to become a knight now? Good question. My reason why I want to become a knight isn't anything grand or commendable but a simple one.

I want to protect those I care about most and make my parents proud.

Although I said 'those I care about most' are only my father and mother. I'm not interested in becoming a hero. Protect Mondstadt? Protect the citizen? Give such noble tasks to the people with a noble dream!

What happens to the people in Mondstadt and Mondstadt itself isn't my business as long as it doesn't concern those I care about. The more I think about it, the less reason I should join the knight.

"... Maybe not." I breathed.

[Knowing what happened, I suppose that's not unexpected.]

"At least I have nothing personal against them."

He doesn't reply. Then, I'll end our conversation for now.

"Well, let's go then," I said as I walked away from the Church.

A/N: Speaking of KoF, I wonder how many kids dream of joining the Knight. I mean, I get that not everyone does. After all, there are plenty of jobs, and some prefer a safer and easier one. I believe the Knight has higher requirements than the others.

Thank you for reading, and carry on!

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