Act 1 Chp 3.5: A Couple of Questions

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[Morgan, we need to talk.]

"I want to sleep. I'm tired. Shut up."

[I know he bothers often, and so to me. I want you to deal with him.]

Quickly, I open my eyelids, "... You can't be serious? Hell no."

[Why hesitate? Deep down, you know they won't stay put forever.]

"In a few days, I don't plan to go anywhere. That much will do."

[That is nothing but adjourning the problem itself.]

"I don't care. Let me take a nap." I tugged the blanket and covered myself before closing my eyes.

[How about a game, then? Take action against him, regardless of the method you choose. If you succeed, I'll remedy any harm you've endured.]

This time, I rise from the bed, "... Oh, you just have to pull that card, don't you? The risk is too high. I'm pretty damn sure he's going kill me."

[Perhaps. That's the reason I mentioned that it doesn't matter to me which approach you choose or if you'll simply allow your power to consume you. Your choice.]

"I'm gonna die no matter what I do, huh?"

[You wouldn't even if you failed. I still owe you a favor.]

"... What favor?" I got perplexed.

[Maybe it's better to call it a wish instead. Basically, you can ask me almost anything.]

Hearing that, I blink many times as I can't believe what I heard. I do not remember I have it nor even done something worthy to get it, at all. Did he temper with my memory?

[It's understandable for you to be skeptical, but that's beside my point. Are you going to do it or not?]

"What did you do to me?!" I snapped, only raising my voice slightly.

[I have no idea why you are angry for having something everybody could only get by praying and miracles. That is a byproduct gift for your collaboration.]

"Nonsense..." I mumbled, "Then how about I use it to kill him?"

[Pft, are you seriously risking something so valuable for something so measly? I can do that if you're sure about it.]

I breathe heavily to calm myself. What he was saying is right, even though I doubt something like that has no string attached to it.

"No, I was just pissed off. I'll do it since if I refuse, you will compel me to do it, right? I'll think something about it." I sighed.

[Good, take your time. If you're worried about your own well-being, why don't you send someone to do it for you?]

I breathe out once again, "I'm not that naive to make someone get rid of somebody and expect them to do it with baseless accusation. I also don't want to endanger anyone because of me as much as possible. Leave me alone." I said before laying back in bed.


Now I can't sleep.

I've been staring at the ceiling, lying on my bed for the last hour. The room is pitch black, with the only light source coming from the small gaps in the door. There isn't much noise due to the isolated room that I am in. Yet, my mind resists taking a rest.

The harder I try to sleep, the more my head is filled with anxiety. Somehow, I feel restless. It's his fault and what has happened today. But I'm processing too much information right now to think about it. If anything, it would make me feel more agitated.

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