Act 1 Chp 3.6: Suspicions

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"I figure that's the reason you wanted to talk with me?"

"To be honest, not really. But I'm down for it if you want to." She admitted.

"I see. I'm sorry in advance because this kinda heavy topic when you're here to lay off."

"Hah, don't worry about it." She ensured before taking a sip.

People are still being rowdy downstairs. Meanwhile, some folks start leaving on this floor, and only a few remain. Without me having to look, my radar has already told me. I don't know if Mrs. Frederica notices, but I decide to keep it for myself.

I continue our chat once I take several chugs of my tea.

"Mrs. Frederica, what do you think of Adventurers' Guild?"

"Well, that's a somewhat unexpected topic for me." She said, "I have to say, they're great. I know some of their members and get along fine with them. The Knights and the Guild also sometimes cooperate on some events and when our objectives align."

Hmm, that wasn't really what I wanted to hear.

"That sounds like you guys have a decent partnership."

"You can say that, I guess. Why'd you ask?"

"I'm just curious about them. I take it you have a good impression about them, then?"

"Yeah? Are you curious about their entry test or something?"

I had to pause drinking my tea when I heard that question.

"Nah, you're wrong. All I wanted was your opinion about the Guild." I countered.

Mrs. Frederica smirks as she hums to my reply. We both take a break by drinking.

"Let's move on to the second one." I declared as I put away my mug.

"Did you find anything out of place when you watched over me, Mrs. Frederica?"

She scowled when I posed that question. I could tell from her expression she wasn't fond of that. However, I have to put it off my chest. I know full well that doing that is risky, but I doubt anything terrible would happen in a crowded place like this.

"Did something happen, Morgan?" She queried, narrowing her eyes.

"Ah, no, not really. My bad. I was just making sure if you perhaps saw anything suspicious." I said indifferently.

She sighs softly, "You got me. I was worried something had happened."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on guard."

"It's fine. It was me that misunderstood you." She brushed off, "But no, I didn't find anything. While you did your exercise, I scanned everywhere, starting from the city until we headed back, but it was fruitless."

I cross my arms.

That's line up with my suspicion. My radar has a wide range, so I know when someone or something follows me. There's someone who had been and was following me these past days and didn't act when Mrs. Frederica was around.

Which I assume was they were waiting for me to be alone. Apparently, I was only half correct because they still haven't done anything to me. For some reason, they merely watched and didn't do shit, even when I was alone.

How bothersome.

"In case you feel disturbance, please don't hesitate to tell me, Morgan."

"Mm, sure. Thank you, Mrs. Frederica. I think that's all I wanted to ask you. It unexpected to take this much time, though."

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