Act 1 Chp 2.7: Terrible Person

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"Hey there. I'm here to help you. If there's something you would like to know, let me know." Diluc volunteered.

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to do this, really."

"No need to be shy. I didn't know much about these beverages until my father told me and explained them to me."

"That is not what I meant..."

"Alright then, shall we begin? How about we start with this section?"

And so, Diluc starts explaining each drink on the menu from top to bottom without missing a beat. In his guide, coffee, tea, and juice appear on the first, second, and third pages. His explanations regarding the drinks are relatively simple for me to understand.

Doing my best to listen to him, I'm holding my upper and lower eyelids with my fingers. I might look ridiculous with this, but I'm doing it to respect his efforts.

Around fifteen minutes later,

"I guess that's all about our product you can order. The rest are liquors, after all." He told me before closing the menu.

"Do you have any- Huh?!" He looked at me in disbelief.

"... What?"

"You're forcing your eyes open like that... Did I bore you?"

I let go of my eyelids and straighten my posture.

"Oh, no. I just feel tired, that's all."

"Really? Then how about getting yourself a coffee? I'm sure it would help." Diluc recommended.

"I hope so. Can I get one Athenaeum, please?"

"Coming right up!" He smiled as he walked away.

After seeing him off, I drop my head on the table.

I feel so worn out. Recalling everything that has happened today, it all makes sense. I never went to various places in a single day before, not to mention my exchange with people. Luckily, although I'm a recluse, I have no trouble dealing with people.

Raising my head, I look at the people around me. This place fills with people cheering, laughing, shouting, and the big grin on their faces. I'm wondering if something like this happens every day in this tavern. It's so lively.

After a while, Diluc returns with a cup.

"Here's your order. Enjoy."

I straighten my back as he puts the glass in front of me. Smelling the fragrance of the drink, I can tell the bitterness is strong. I decide to take a sip while it's warm. Coffee's pure and intense taste makes me wince briefly for a moment.

"It's very bitter, isn't it?" Diluc chuckled.

After saying smacking my tongue, I say, "Yeah. It's a little too strong for my taste."

"Right? Adults usually order the Athenaeum. It's not a drink for someone our age." Diluc shrugged.

"Can you add milk to my drink? Or anything to sweeten this."

"Allow me." Someone butted in.

The person then pours a considerable amount of milk into my coffee. Without looking, I know who it is. Meanwhile, Diluc turns his head to see who's coming.

"That's enough. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I could've done that, Kaeya." Diluc spoke.

"Don't mention it. I'm just trying to help you."

"Not necessary. I can do my part just fine without you."

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