Act 1 Chp 3.8: Being Cautious

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Genshin Impact: Mondstadt Alter

Act 1 Chapter 3.8:

Being Cautious

"You're late, kiddo."

That's the first thing I heard when I arrived. The Alder Knight was waiting for my arrival near the tavern, standing against the wall and crossing her arms together. I mistimed our appointment, but I didn't think of it as a big deal.

I agreed to meet her again this evening simply because I have something to do here. Whatever business she has with me, I'll consider it an equivalent exchange. However, I have a feeling this meeting isn't actually for her.

Slowly stepping towards her, I look around, then at the crowd near the entrance.

"Sorry, but you seem relatively free to me, ma'am."

"Is that your excuse for being late?"

"I wouldn't say so. It's easy for me to lose track of time when I'm outside."

"Hmm... You always headed back at three every time I accompanied you." She objected.

"... Very observant of you." I complimented before bowing my head, "Forgive me for being late, Mrs. Frederica."

She remains still and doesn't speak for a moment. I decided to apologize to her without giving any reason cause, at the end of the day, it's nothing but an excuse. Besides, telling her I was hanging out with Eula would complicate the matter.

After being silent briefly, she finally talks and steps in my direction.

"Well, what matters is that you're here now. Nonetheless, I'd appreciate it if you could be punctual in the future, Morgan."

"I'll keep that in mind." I nodded.

"Let's go inside. Everyone is waiting." She walked ahead.


As we enter Angel's Share together, the racket attacks my ears. After adapting, I look around the tavern and see many people in uniform. Actually, I discern no one who's not wearing a uniform except the bartender and the owner behind the counter. Diluc and Kaeya seem to be present as well.

This never occurred when I came here. I may be visiting Angel's Share only a few times, but this view is kind of bizarre. And as always, everyone is too busy with their own business to notice us coming.

"What's with the gathering? Birthday party?"

"Haha, nice one, but no. These guys are here after they finished a mission, so we booked the bar for tonight."

"Well, I don't remember that I got invited."

"Worry not. I already asked Grand Master that you'll join us."

"... Right." That sounds like a bad idea to me.

While I remain at the entrance door, she walks to the counter and greets her colleagues. Some gazes are directed at me a few moments later, which makes me uneasy. I ignore their stare by scanning the environment and individuals, both the first and second floors.

Nothing out of the ordinary on the first floor, but I can't say the same for the latter. In my position, I can't rely on my sight. All I can do is trust my hearing and power to do the check. I don't want to miss anything, after all.

So far, so good.

"Morgan." A voice called me.

Shifting my focus to the source, the blonde lady signals me to come closer. Softly exhaling, I did what she wanted. Both Mr.Crepus and the bartender are busy serving drinks to the Knights. Despite noticing me, their hands are still gripping either mugs, wines, or napkins.

As I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Mrs. Frederica solicits me to sit next to her. Probably waiting for her turn, she strikes up a conversation with me.

"The bartender and some wanted to meet with you."

"Sounds like I gathered a few fans without me noticing."

She blinks a few times before smirking, "You sure do have some humor in you. Relax, he said he wanted to say hi to you, and this opportunity is perfect. I'd even ask Jean to come along, and she should be here soon."

"And why's that?"

"Just you wait and see." She giggled.

"Is this okay? I mean," I paused as I looked around, "I thought tonight was special for you guys."

"What are you talking about? Didn't I say it's a party? That's why it's better to have more people to garner."


The more I hear about this, the more I don't think I should be here. The timing of this so-called party and my incoming is somewhat unsuitable. And to be honest, I'm sure I could hold off this meeting to another time, as I don't think this is urgent or anything.

In the course of our conversation, I caught some people beginning to notice my presence. At first, I didn't think much about it, but I realized something wasn't right. Perhaps I'm just overthinking things. Mrs.Frederica and I keep chatting until the Bartender approaches us.

"Phew, finally done serving people." He breathed, "Good evening, you two. What'd you like to order?"

"One iced apple cider and one dandelion wine, please. What yours?" She asked, looking at me.

"... I'll have a glass of milk. With ice as well."

Mrs. Frederica raised her eyebrows, "That's it? Come on, order something to eat. It's my treat."

"Thank you, but a drink is more than enough."

She shrugs and turns at the Bartender, "That's all, I suppose."

"Got it, coming right up." He noted.

The moment he leaves, I hear the entrance door swing open. Mrs. Frederica and some others turn around to see who it is while I stay still. The person in question draws near in our direction as soon as Mrs. Frederica raises her hand to them.

"Good evening, everyone." The blonde greeted everyone at the counter with a slight bend.

Those who notice greet her back with a smile on their face.

"Hey, dear. You just come in time. Come here, take a sit." She patted her chair as she moved from it to the next one.

With that, Jean sits between me and Mrs. Frederica.

"Evening to you, too."

"Whoa!" She yelped, "Morgan, I didn't realize you were here already."

I scoff, "I've mastered to become a ninja, I guess."

"What?" Jean dumbfounded, "Well, long time no see. I hope you're doing well."

"Has it been that long for you to say that? It hasn't been a week since the last time we met."

Her jaw drops a tiny bit, hearing my reply.

"Obviously. You should at least meet your friend as often, you know?" Mrs. Frederica answered in her stead, and Jean nodded along.

Blinking a few times, I face forward and say, "Is that so? My bad. I didn't want to interrupt you with your training session."

"Come on, you can't be serious. Surely you don't think I spend my day to train all the time?"

"Hmm, I guess I understand your logic. Unlike Jean, you spend almost ten hours doing outdoor exercise." Mrs. Frederica validated with a few nods.

"What?! Ten hours of exercise? Mother said you spent your day training recently, but for that long is beyond me."

"Let me remind you, that's including a break and journey back and forth as well. My stamina doesn't complement that kind of cardio."

Jean hums upon hearing my response. I figure Mrs. Frederica already knows about it since she has watched me a few times. After moments of waiting, the Bartender is back with our order and brings someone along with him.

A/N: Finally, back to our future Acting Grand Master and her mother. At this point, I put a little too much of Frederica here that I can't wait to see how HY will do her!

Thank you for reading, and carry on!

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