Special Chp 1.1: Secret Message

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Following a shower and a morning meal, Frederica and her daughter proceeded directly to the training area near the Knight of Favonius headquarters. Frederica was attired in her uniform, while her daughter wore snug white pants and a black long-sleeved shirt beneath a green coat. They strolled casually, taking advantage of the early morning hours when the sun had just begun to ascend.

Upon their arrival, two adolescents extended a warm welcome. These two young lads appeared to have arrived ahead of schedule, yet ample time remained before the agreed-upon meeting.

"Good morning, you two!" The two welcomed them in unison.

"Good morning." Jean politely greeted them in return.

"Morning, boys! Good to see you two doing well today."

"Well, I should say the same."

"Did you wait long?" Jean inquired.

"Nope. We were just here not too long ago."

"Alright, then. Since Master Crepus already permitted you two, why don't you all pick a weapon first?"

The youngsters affirmed their consent with a nod. Each of them selected their designated armament and prepared for the morning practice session while the Alder Knight remained motionless, attentively watching. Shortly after that, they reappeared, each wielding a wooden weapon.

"Hmm, this one is in better shape than the rest, but I feel it could easily snap if I'm not careful." The red-haired commented as he swung the wooden claymore upward and downward.

"Don't put too much force on it, then. You should remember how many of them you've broken already because you swung them too hard."

"I know, I know. I have no intention of breaking the Knight of Favonius's properties, anyway."

The blonde lady put her hand on her hip, "Really now? Perhaps I ought to submit a report to the Logistics team, asking them to assess the status of the training weapon cache and determine whether it requires renewal."

"How about you two? Are they okay?" She appended.

"Yeah, I'll be fine with this. I'm not as barbaric as this guy."

"Hah! That just means I'm stronger than you, wimpy."

The youngster with the eye patch experienced a slight twitch in his eyebrow, yet he chose to stay quiet while wearing a vexed smile. Concurrently, the blonde girl carefully examined her weapon, ensuring it was in optimal condition.

"This one seems to be in pretty good shape, mother." Jean nodded.

"Very well. Before we begin, you all should warm up, yeah?"

The trio started their morning workout while engaging in casual conversation. Frederica couldn't help but smile as she observed her daughter interacting with the sons of the Angel's Share owner. However, before too much time passed, the blonde knight spotted someone approaching them.

"There you are, ma'am. I was looking for you." The person said as he gasped for air.

"What's up?"

"Mrs. Frederica. I apologize if I interrupted, but I'd like to remind you that-"

She waved her hand, "Oh, I remember, I remember. Just give me a moment with my kid, will you? It's not the appointed time just yet."

"Please forgive me, ma'am. I only intended to send his message to you." The knight lowered his head.

"I get it. I'll be going after this." She said before adding, "And tell the Inspector I planned to visit the Church briefly."

"But- He said you are needed ASAP."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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