Act 1 Chp 3.3: True Color

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It's a peaceful evening. A small number of people passed the bridge while I was waiting. As the starvation and tiredness slowly creep up on me, I feel my eyelids getting heavier. However, I try my best to stay awake as this will be the last agenda I will do for the day.

It takes my attention almost immediately to catch someone I'm waiting for. Besides, her garb is quite eye-catching. Since I don't want to gather more than the necessary focus, I take the initiative to block her way.

When she notices someone is in front of her, she raises her head. And, of course, her facial expression tells me well enough to say she's not happy to see me again.

"You again..." She growled.

"Hi, again. I know this is out of nowhere, but I'd like to talk with you. Is that okay?"

Folks around start to pry their eyes on us, but they still pass without doing more. The girl, on the other hand, seems skeptical of me. Not taking long, she answers as she closes her eyes and starts walking again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm rather in a hurry."

I prevent her once again before she can pass.

"I won't be long. I promise."

"No, I-"

"Please." I pleaded.

Her eyes rounded, and her mouth agape slightly when I said that. That's a bit of an extravagant reaction. However, that doesn't last long, and she returns to normal. I might be crazy, but I see her mimic faintly soften.

"... What is it?"

"Oh, I'm glad you're willing to listen. Let's move to the side so we don't get in people's way, yeah?"

She glances at her surroundings, "Very well."

She then follows me to the side of the bridge. She hesitated to sit beside me, but eventually, she did. Although a little far away. I'm about to start as soon as we sit, but I can't help but feel nervous.

You got this, Morgan. All you have to do now is apologize to her.

"What is it that you want to talk about, uh-" She paused.

Oh, right. We both don't know each other.

"I suppose I should introduce myself first. My name is Morgan. Pleased to meet you. May I know your name?"

"I didn't know you were trying to get along with me."

"There's no hurting doing so, is there?"

She looks away without saying.

"... Right. After what happened, I don't think you want to get along with me." Not that I'm trying to, "I don't know what you've got with Mrs- that lady, and I'm not going to pry if you don't want to."

"I am terribly sorry for what we did to you. I genuinely had no intention to make you feel that way." I confessed as I bowed my head.

"So that's why you were so persistent about this." She whispered.

I stayed still until she spoke,

"There's no need for you to be sorry. I'm used to it."

"Even so, I feel obliged to ask for your forgiveness." I said earnestly.

"... And why is that?"

When posed with that question, I honestly don't know what to answer except what I did was a mistake. After all, that wouldn't happen if I chose not to approach her.

"Just because I think we inconvenienced you."

I hear her softly exhale, "I don't know if you're being truthful or messing with me."

"Of course, I'm being sincere. I wouldn't go this far if I were joking."

None of us say anything. The bluenette seems to contemplate something as she lowers her head. Meanwhile, I blankly gaze at the amber-colored sky. Closing my eyes, I can feel my consciousness departing from me.

However, when I hear a gasp, I shoot my eyes open.

"Did you say your name is Morgan?"

I look at her sideways as I lean my body under the support of my arms.

"I did, why?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you happen to be a victim of an incident over a week ago?"

She has heard about me, huh?

"That I am, yes."

"I see. So you aren't her son?"

I got confused about who she was insinuating for a second until I realized she was talking about Mrs. Frederica.

"You're talking about the Alder Knight, Mrs. Frederica, right?" I confirmed.

She nodded.

"You jest. Do I look anything like her?" I scoffed.

"That could be because she adopted you."

"Bah. You can't be serious."

"I'm sorry. I'm just messing with you." She chuckled.

I can't believe my eyes. For the first time, I saw her other expressions, except neutral and angry. I didn't expect she would crack a smile the second time we met. That means we're cool now, right? Can I go back now?

"Anyhow, I think I took more of your time than I planned." I stood before her, "Thank you for sparing your time for me. I appreciate it."

"No problem. I accept your apology since I know who you are, and your intention was honest." She curved her lips before continuing, "I wonder if your demeanor will change if you know who I am."

She brushes her dress after she stands up.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Exactly as I said. I haven't introduced myself to you. Will your stance change when you do?"

"... I don't think so."

"Well, we'll see about that." She said before walking ahead of me.

I followed her along to the city until we separated and bid her goodbye.

After a couple of encounters with people or so, on my way to my room, I tossed myself to the bed. I legitimately feel so spent for today that I can fall asleep straight away, except because I'm starving and feel sultry. Hopefully, I will get the strength to shower and eat before bed.

A/N: I kinda like the second time they come across, and I hope you do as well.

Thank you for reading, and carry on!

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