Act 1 Chp 3.4: Her Bravery

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Another day, another exercise.

The tranquility of being alone. I can carry out my training without worrying about anything. Thanks to that, I can focus on doing what I need to do. The progress isn't going as I wanted, but I guess that's because it's too early to determine the result.

Unlike usual, I don't take a high place to do my workout. Standing bare feet as the chill water washes them feels pleasant. The broad horizon of the sea is as captivating. Add the waves sound and some seagulls squawking, to boot.

As I stare at the creatures as I sit on the dry sand, I pick up the knife beside me. I try not to move too much and keep concentrating on them. Slowly raising my arm, I fling it hard after aiming.


[Nice aim, but your throw sucks.]

I drop myself, "Well, it was worth the shot."

I was sure I was gonna get one of them. It could be either because of me or because the seagulls have an impressive danger sense. But that was a better outcome since I didn't want to hurt them.

"Ah, I have to retrieve it before it gets blemished." I mumbled.

I rise and walk to where I threw it. After that, I take a break by taking the lunch I brought. Mrs. Frederica told me to carry food and water if I wanted to exercise appropriately.


I continue training after refilling my energy. I draw the knife once again after a quick flex of my muscles. Following deep inhales, I swing my arm continuously with varying patterns. Of course, I'm just mimicking someone else's movements. The rhythms and everything are a mess, though.


Listening to Mrs. Frederica's suggestion was the right choice. It allows me to keep training longer. How could I not think of that? I suppose I should thank her the next time I see her.

But I overdid it now because of that, consequently making my right arm feel like it would snap anytime soon. Meanwhile, my body is beginning to get used to my workout plan. Probably I'll increase the intensity tomorrow or the day after.

I stroll back to the city as I hold my sore right shoulder. As I enter the Whispering Woods, suddenly, a bad feeling creeps up on me. I even stopped to make sure it wasn't just my imagination. My sonar tells me otherwise.

Someone seemed to be eyeing me the moment I got into the woods. I initially thought he was just some random dude, but I realized I was wrong when I entered the woods. I wanted to say hello, but I was against the idea just in case and kept walking towards my destination. To my surprise, he did nothing else.

Once I got out, the sense of danger finally dissipated. I let out a relieved sigh before continuing to walk. When I almost reach the bridge, I see someone familiar sitting on a log. I decide to leave her alone as I think that's what she might want.

"Hey there."

Never mind.

I was wrong when she greeted me and waved her hand at me. I look around on the spot.

"Morgan, by the archon, I'm talking to you. There's literally no one else here except you and me." She facepalmed.

Hesitantly, I take a step forward. I sit on the opposite side, so we're facing each other.

"My bad, I never thought you would like to talk to me again."

"Hmm?" She hummed, "Oh, you were talking about the other day. Why would I resent you? You did nothing. You even apologized for something you didn't do."

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