Act 1 Chp 3.7: Killing Times

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Different than usual, I'd wind up my exercise for an hour earlier. I wanted to say I did that for no particular reason, but that would be a lie. Mrs. Frederica asked me to drop in Angel's Share again tonight, and I obliged.

I have no clue what more business she has with me, but it's a coincidence because I have a feeling something will happen soon. I feel a bit forced to spend more money there, though. Menus over there are expensive for me.

The gloaming clouds entered my view as I gazed through the ether. The moment someone speaks my name, my train of thought stops, and I look at the source.

"My bad. What is it?"

"Geez, you've been staring blankly upward. You're scaring me." She grumped, folding her arms.

"How? I'm fine, alright?"

"... Really?" She said in an incredulous tone, "Did the tiredness get into you, then?"

"Nah, I am starting to get used to it." I shook my head, "How about you? Aren't your parents gonna be mad if you keep doing this?"

Eula scrunches her face, "Uu! Don't remind me about it, please."

"But it's fine! Just because I go out, doesn't mean I run away from them all the time." She assured.

I raise my right leg so I can rest my head on it.

This evening, she settled to meet with me again. No, that's the wrong way to say it. Like the other day, I found her sitting alone on my way back, and she greeted me as soon as she saw me. So, it was the same basically, just the other way round.

"This time is contrary, though, isn't it? From your story, your parents sound fairly strict toward you if they force you to do what they want."

"I know, right?! They couldn't just leave me alone. They keep saying doing this, doing that for the sake of the clan and stuff without listening to my complaints." She groaned, swinging her feet.

Since she's wearing a medium skirt, I try my best to keep my gaze under control.

"Well, you can be a disobedient child by ignoring their demand, but knowing your background, I guess that's unlikely they'll allow it to happen."

She softly sighs, "I wish I could do that without fearing the consequences. Besides..." She abruptly halted.

Looking at Eula, I see her eyes seem distant and her fingers fidgeting. I can't do much but stare blankly. I suppose all I can offer is to encourage her, but I doubt my ability to do so.

"All right. This subject gets a little too heavy, so let's move on." She raised her head and looked at me, "Eula, you like reading books?"

"Um, at the beginning, my parents forced me to read them, but as time flies, I guess I do. How about you?"

"Yeah, I used to read them a lot, but I stopped doing that for quite a while now. What kind of book did they give you?"

However, before Eula can answer that, I cut her.

"Actually, scratch that. What kind of book you're into? I rephrased that unless your parent gave you anything you'd like."

"Haha, makes sense." She laughed, "But I think I did like the books they gave me. Although it's a shame that some parts of the history of my clan I kind of disinclined to learn, I do like our cultural background."

"Oh... It's not artificial enthusiasm, I hope. I've read a book about the Lawrence clan's culture as well. It mentioned combat, etiquette, cooking, dance, art, and so on."

Her eyes go round, "Really? I didn't expect anyone outside the clan to know anything about our cultures. How did you manage to get it?"

Recalling how I got my hand on a book like that is funny, because it was nothing but an accident. The book slipped into the stack of books I borrowed, and I noticed it only by the time I got home.

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