Act 1 Chp 4.2: Being a Target Means

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As I make my way back with the Alder Knight, I inspect every part of my body. I can see with my eyes again, and the cut on my right shoulder is closed. Meanwhile, my right limb has grown back as I move my fingers.

It's intriguing to observe my injuries heal so rapidly, almost as though nothing occurred. Not to mention, my clothes are ragged as well. I lost both of my knives, however.

"How are you feeling?" The blonde knight gave me a peek.

"Ugh, I blacked out for a second there, so I don't really remember."

She hums, "I could be crazy, but I saw you were bleeding. Some torn parts on your clothes prove something to cut through you. Do you have a healing ability or something?"

"I wish I could." I wagged my head, "When he was about to strike a finishing blow at me, I lost consciousness. Once I got to my senses, you were there before me."

"Well, I vouch for that. I saw your face like you weren't in there."

"What happened to him, anyway? Did you chase him off?"

"Sorry, he got away. I wanted to pursue him, but I set you as my priority."

"I'm grateful that you came to save me." I bowed my head to her.

"Don't mention it. I'm also glad you're okay."

After reaching the city, she insisted we go to the Church as soon as possible to give me a check-up. I obediently follow her as we pass through the folks. Thankfully, only a little paid attention to us as we headed there.

Mrs. Frederica told me to wait in my room after she briefly explained what had happened to the Seneschal and wait for the doctor to show up. I change my clothes as soon as I enter my room. When done, all I need to do is wait for people as I sit on the edge of the bed.

As I let out a big exhale,

[Seems like you got a lot to explain to them.]

"It's part of the plan. I got this."

[Sure you do. You fought terribly, though.]

"Tell me about it. But you know, I'm still alive. That's all that matters."

[Because your objective was to survive until she arrived.]

"For first battle experience, plus healing everything, including the damage caused by my sonar? That sounds too good for me to pass on it now that I think about it." I leaned back.

[Not many have the kind of mentality you do. What's your impression of it then?]

"Well, I'm not gonna lie. It was thrilling." I halted, "Talk to you later. Thank you for offering me the gamble, anyway."

Our conversation gets cut short when I notice people are coming. Soon, the door opens, revealing the Seneschal, a nun, and a man, who I assume is the doctor. They come in one after another, and the sister has a tray on their hands while the doctor holds a briefcase.

"Morgan, how are you doing? I've brought the doctor with me."

"I am alright." I nodded at him.

The doctor approaches me, "Good to see you, Morgan. I was surprised when someone came to my doorstep in the morning. I heard you got attacked, huh? Let's check on your physical condition first." He said before putting down his briefcase and taking out his equipment.

"Is your stomach feeling empty? I made you some porridge. Eat it while it warms."

"My thanks, sister Victoria. I'm sorry to trouble you this early."

Mondstadt Alter (Rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang