Expelled from Beauxbatons Academy

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Reader's Pov

There I was just sitting down in an empty class enjoying the last day of school, when I heard other students run towards the hallway. Naturally, I went to see what was all the fuse about, and to no surprise, there was Rory on top of another student. Beating this shit out of her. This is her ten fight this year as a result, she was sent to the office. Next thing, I know we are both going to Hogwarts for our fifth year. Even though I didn't fight, I left the academy by choice as Rory's parents knew they couldn't separate us. The move is something I am really excited about because I don't have any other friends besides Rory. She's amazing as she isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She is strong, wild, and determined. She's basically my sister. As for me, I'm this quiet girl who enjoys reading love books. I can't wait to start something fresh, maybe in this new school, I will make friends.

During the summer, Rory and I decided to work out and try to glow up as Hogwarts have all genders unlike the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (it was depicted as an all-girls school in the movies unlike the books). I'm really nervous as I struggle with my identity especially not knowing who am. I know nothing about my family. Furthermore, I'm not the beauty standard, where am from the standards are European girls like Rory. She was tall, skinny, and self-confident and could easily do a full face of makeup and flirt.

Platform 9 3/4

The summer is finally over. There I was entering the train and trying to find a place to sit,  I froze when I saw him. But, he didn't notice me as he was too busy talking to his group of friends. He was very attractive.

Rory found a spot in the back and grabbed me. It was a nice but long ride, good thing I have my book. Rory got bored, so she looked around see to if there were any cute boys while still sitting next to me. She started talking about this guy with wavy hair and a cut on his nose. I looked up to see who she was talking about and he was sitting with the guy I thought was cute. Rory noticed and then decided to ask if someone caught my eye. I easily blushed and she started laughing.

"Oh shut it", I reply laughing and giggling with her

Nine hours later

We're here! We made contact with Professor Snape. He told us to wait for Professor Dumbledore to introduce us. I was so nervous as we had to be placed in a house in front of hundreds of students.

First, it was Rory, She was placed in Slytherin. Instead of sitting down, she leaned against the wall and waited for me. Then the headmaster calls for me. I walked up and sat down on the chair, I couldn't stop thinking but suddenly I made eye contact with the boy from earlier. I quickly glance away. His eyes are so pretty, there's just something different about him compared to everyone else.

"Slytherin", the sorting hat calls.

I'm so happy as Rory and I are in the same house together but also because so is he.

As Rory had the intention of the scar-face boy, we sat next to him and his friends.

"Hello Boys", Rory states

All of them said hi and stated their names Marcus Riddle (Rory's crush), Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkson, Onyx de Loughrey, Bridget Jones, Lucille Granger, and lastly Lorenzo Berkshire (Our's crush).

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