The Misperception

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Reader's Pov

This training meet-up wasn't with Professor Trelawney but rather with Dumbledore. After an hour-long training session, he stated that he wanted to prepare me for the future. Sitting down in front of him " I do not understand. The future?" Taking back a second sip from his tea, " All of due time, my child. You will be by my side when the time comes. You're dismissed now". On the way back to my dorm, I kept wondering what he meant.

In my own world thinking, I bump into someone. Looking up it's Cedric holding a guitar "What are you doing with a guitar at this hour, it's almost curfew?" I asked. "I'm a prefect remember I do have seniority, I got lost in time practicing, what about you?"

Carson: "I was with Dumbledore. Anyway did you finish your song? Are you ready for tomorrow?"

Cedric gives a big sigh " I don't know".

Placing my hand on his shoulder, giving him reassurance "You got this Cedric, Cho is going to say yes, especially when you're done singing your song." It's quite cute, how nervous he is.

Cedric:" Can we meet up tomorrow in the morning before I ask her? I need everything to be perfect"

Walking side by side to the Slytherin corridor "Of course I will" 

----------------------------------------Time skip------------------------------------------------------

Still Reader's Pov

I got up and did my usual makeup look. Walking down to the common room with my girlfriends, I see the boys all there waiting for us. When looking at him, I couldn't stop but smile, thinking about our kiss. With his sleep voice" Good morning" with a cheeky grin on his face as we open the door.

We all see Cedric standing there leaning on the right side of the wall, he gave me this look, the look to leave together and talk in private. Surrounded by my friends and Enzo, they look lost as Cedric holds flowers and a guitar in his hand. " I'll be right back". Still, in the visual presence of my friends, Cedric hands me sunflowers "These are for you, thanks for helping me" he mumbled.

Enzo's Pov

I'm right next to Carson as we leave the common room and there he was. Cedric is waiting for her with flowers and a guitar. You have to be kidding me. He gives her a  look, gesturing to leave with him and she does. My smile drops. As they walk away, we can still see them and he gives her flowers. They look cheap. My jaw tightened. 

Now sitting down, I can't eat. I get up and leave. "Where are you going" Luce asks but I dont answer. I'm walking around trying to distract myself and I see them. I hide behind the wall. He's singing to her a love song and she's smiling. He proceeded to ask her to the yule ball, "It's perfect" she said, hugging him. I couldn't hear any more of it so I left. 

Reader's Pov

"It's perfect" Hugging him "Cho is going to love it"

I hope Enzo asks me. I really want to go with him. I wonder how he's going to ask me.

There was less than five minutes left before the first period started so I didn't eat breakfast. Entering class I saw Enzo sitting with Luce. Stange as we usually sit together. I sit with Onyx. Throughout every class, Enzo didn't talk or go near me. In the common room, we all sit together. " We should go to Hogsmeade this weekend to look for dresses" Onyx announces. All the girls are talking about the yule ball while the boys are playing cards. Pansy is there, she notices Luce is staring at Draco, "Luce who's the loser taking you the ball?". Luce looks away from Draco "Oh I'm going with Enzo, he asked me earlier today". At that moment, I couldn't believe it but I wasn't going to cry in front of everyone. So I got my book and opened it, acting like I didn't care.

Enzo's Pov

I asked Luce if we go as friends. 

I look at Carson to see her reaction, she doesn't care as she reads her book. 

(I just recently discovered that Robert Pattinson can sing)

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