Strange day

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Readers (Carson) Pov

It's noon and Theo is already gone as well as the rest of my roommates. I got up, looked in the mirror and wow I look like shit. After a hot shower, I put on my regular makeup look with wavy hair and a dark green hair ribbon

Before I can even meet up with my Slytherin friends to eat breakfast, I got stopped by a number of guys, I have no idea who they are exactly but I'm pretty sure they were at the party.

Lorenzo's Pov

At the great dining hall, " So what happened to you, Theo?

"Oh um, I think I lost my keys or something so Carson let me sleep in her dorm" Theo replies in a sleepy voice

"Dumbass" Draco while smirking

"Sleep where exactly" I say in a direct tone

"In her bed"

"Together?", I can't help to push my tongue against my cheek

"It's not what you think, Carson and I are friends" Theo points at his arm showing a bracelet

"she made it for me, she picked blue because of my eyes. Don't I have amazing eyes?" in a flirty tone, moving his eyes up and down

Side eyeing him

Why didn't she make me one?

"So where is Carson?" looking in the direction of Rory

"Oh you probably can't see her behind all those cute boys" she claims while giggling

We all turn watching all the guys trying to talk to her, why is she laughing with them? what could possibly be funny?

Rory is running up to her, grabbing her away

"You better ask her out before they do?" Theo expresses with a grin

"What are talking about? I don't like"

Before I can create a lie, Rory and Casron sit down

"You don't like who?" Carson states while making eye contact with me

"I don't like anyone", as I look down upon my rings

"That's too bad"

"Why is that?" 

"Oh you know, you have this whole reputation of being a loverboy, and young love is sweet, especially with the right person. Don't you agree?" She smiles but turns away as Cedric appears

Reader's Pov

Enzo isn't able to answer as Cedric comes behind me

"I totally agree with that" Cedric reply

Gripping my hand he led me away from the group

"Where we're going?" laughing and out of breath as we ran towards the hallway away from everyone, just the two of us

"Sorry, just that we didn't see each other at the party" as he let go of my hand and faced me

"I know, didn't see you as you were blocked" facing down unable to meet his eyes

" But we could see each other tonight, 7 pm"

Before we could talk more he's being dragged away from his friends

Heading back to my friends in my thoughts; I am confused, puzzled even

I see them it's no longer breakfast, walking towards Rory as she is giving the biggest irritating grin I know

"So what happened" she states

"Well, um he um" nervous, I mean the whole group is here and Enzo, I like him

"spit it out"

"I think he asked me out, tonight at 7 pm"

"no way" Rory and the rest of the girls are giggling

Enerting Professor mad eye class

There's something not right about him

I feel unease before I could sit with Rory, Riddle swiftly sits down with her, he's cute but man I find him kinda annoying

sitting down at an empty desk behind them, Enzo makes his way toward me

I can't help but give him a small smile

Professor Moody is furthering his letter upon the three unforgivable curses I thought that was over I guess not, I can't help but run my left leg up and down; anxiety is filled

Enzo's Pov

Her leg is bouncing up, her face is tense. So I place my hand on her thigh rubbing small circles in order to comfort her. She immediately stops with her leg movements. Smooth and warm her skin is.

Reader's Pov

His cold, veiny hand is on my thigh. I could feel the cold touches especially with his rings on, it's electric, I quite liked it and now I was even confused, does he like me? a million thoughts in my mind

His hand stays there but we do not look at each other at all instead we are completely focus on Professor Moody rather I am mostly in my own world trying not to blush and remain calm

Class is now over Enzo quickly gets ups

In all the other classes and during meal times, he doesn't look or talk to me

I wonder what's going on in his mind.

It's five pm, in my dorm with my girls

Rory grabs a pillow and throws it to my face

"Hey, aren't you going to get ready for your date?" Rory squeals

Honestly, I forgot about that

"I'm not even sure it's a date" looking at all my roommates

"Come on, we help you get ready" 

"Come on, we help you get ready" 

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"Cute, this is perfect for your Hufflepuff" Rory explains and giving me a few tips

Two knocks on the door, it's the guys

Theo: "Woah, you look nice"

You:" Really" in a hesitant/nervous voice

Enzo: "Yeah, you do"

You: "Thanks, to both of you"

Heading to the door as it's now 6:45 pm

Rory: "Wait, hold up. I have something "

she hands me a condom.

shooketh, "I"

irrupted by Enzo: scoffs, arms crossed, and leaning against the door, "Wow, you're easy"

Easy, he's is not seriously judging me, him of all of the people.

You: grab the condom and hug Rory" Thanks love and Enzo fuck off. A manwhore like yourself shouldn't judge other women, especially your friends. I thought we were friends. How dare you" push him back and slams the door 

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now