What Just Happened?

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Reader's Pov

There I was, giving in.  I know we should stop but I miss him. Against the door wall, his eager lips found my neck, I sent a quiet soft moan. "Fuck" he whimpers as his fingers trail down. Pulling my skirt down, he grabs my wrist again leading me to his bed. Flipping over, I am on my knees (never done this position), He harshly slaps my ass. "I barely even touch you, can he ever make you feel like this  ? ", his hand squeezed my hips. " Enzo, we never-",  I screamed as Enzo's cock was finally inside of me.

Small TimeJump

I slowly woke up, still groaning. As I move my eyes away from the ceiling, I see Enzo sleeping. He lay on top of me, griping my waist. I tried to carefully move away but then "No", he said with his eyes closed but gripping me harder. Unable to move, I just stay and think for about five minutes. "Shit, Enzo what about classes?" 

Enzo sits up so I do too with the sheets covering me. 

"What about us?"

In all honestly, I don't know what to say to that. So I stare and fidget my fingers. With his finger, he lifted my chin up. 

"You have to talk to me."

I shake my head. My eyes start to water but no tears, not yet at least. 

He's irritated as he slightly raises his voice "Talk to me"

Carson: "You have no idea what I've been through"

Enzo: "And who's fault is that"

Now we both raise our voices. Outside the door, the boys plus Rory were about to enter. But stay behind the door, to eavesdrop.

Carson: "I'm risking everything for you"

Enzo: "The moment you went into the maze and came back unconscious. You destroy me. I thought you were dead." 

Carson whispers: "but I'm not"

Enzo, normal voice: " Are you sure about that? You're not you anymore"

Carson with a hint of attitude: "Then why won't you leave me alone"

(a/n: I was playing Margaret by Lana Del Rey when writing this) 

Enzo scoffs "Because.."

Carson: "Because what?"

Enzo: "Because I love you"

I look like a deer with headlights. Loves, he loves me. This is the first time, he said it. 


He cups my cheeks (face) and slowly states 

 " I"



Enzo: " Since the moment I saw you, I felt it. At the time,  I didn't know exactly what I felt, it was the strangest feeling as I watched you getting ready for the sorting hat to be placed on you. But then you also looked at me, it was like everything around me disappeared. It scared me. It scared me more, as we got closer to each other like that night at the astronomy tower, the Yule Ball, and Paris. I can't stop thinking about you, I tried. Even in my dreams, you are there. You're the one." 

I couldn't help but let my tears fall. 

Enzo: "If you even feel half the way I do about you-"

Carson: "I don't"

Enzo's eyes saddened: "You don't" 

Carson: "I feel it ten times more" 

Carson: "I love you too"

I continue to cry. He hugs me. Overwhelmed by emotions. I didn't know I could but happy and sad at the same time as this is the first time we said I love you to each other while knowing I will be his death. 

Enzo:" Why are you crying? We love each other"

Carson: " That doesn't change anything" 

Enzo:" What are you talking?"

Carson: "I-I have to go. We can't. I'm sorry, I just need to think" 

I still hear Enzo calling my name but I get up in a hurry, opening the door the whole group is there. I push everyone away. 

Narrator's Pov

Wiping away his tears as his friends enter. 

Rory: "Enzo go after her"

With a cheeky smirk, he states "I will, eventually. She belongs to me, do you really think I'll let her go that easy? Not a chance. " 

Rory: " Okay. How are you feeling, we heard everything."

Enzo: "I'm fine, I'm just worried about her."

Rory:" Yeah, it's strange isn't it? About the vow "

Enzo:" What do you mean?" 

Theo:" She's mean that Carson is an overthinker. She takes forever to decide something. There's no way, she would do it"

Enzo: "But she did"

Theo:" Yeah, but you didn't let her finish explaining"

Rory:" Shit"

Enzo:" What?"

Rory:" Uhh, it's that, that night where she moved she didn't just take her things but also my vodka."

Draco:" Woah, she's a lightweight."

Theo:" Drinking does make her unhinged and loose"

Rory:" Yeah and when she's around him she always looks spaced out"

Draco:" Blaise any comments"

Blaise shakes his head as a no

Enzo: "I need to know why's Grayson here."

Rory: "You're right. He's hot but bad for her" 

Enzo:" Hot?"

Rory:" Come on, Enzo you sure you're not a little jealous because he's hot" 

Enzo:" Well I'm hotter. Besides shouldn't Marcus be jealous"

Enzo:" Marcus"

Marcus:" Hmm. Sorry, what?"

Theo:" Your girlfriend called Grayson hot"

Marcus laughs: " Yeah right" 

Rory: " Anyway, why were you distracted?"

Marcus: " Trying to subject"

Rory:" Marcus"

Marcus:" Did you see her bracelet"

Rory: " Why? It's not my style. It's ugly, you better not buy that bracelet." 

Marcus: " No, especially after the last time I brought jewelry. You return it."

Rory:" No, I exchanged it."

Draco: "Okay why the sudden interest in that bracelet?"

Marcus:" I have never seen anything like yet it seems familiar. I don't know."

Theo: " Are you high right now." 

Rory: "He's totally is, look at his eyes." 

A/N: this chapter was inspired by Pretty Little Liars and  Artful Dodger

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