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Dorm Room; All the boys are in their beds.

Enzo's Pov

"I can't believe you asked out that mudblood to the dance", Draco remarks as his nostrils flare staring at me

"Dont call her that, we're just going as friends.; why do you even care? I furrow my brow

why does he care?

Draco scoffed "Friends yeah right. I see how close you are to her. Of all the girls in the school, you chose her. I dont want my best mate to lower his status?"

There's no attempt to talk to him anymore so I go to sleep 


Still Enzo's Pov

The next day, after class Professor Snape wanted to talk to Me, Marcus, and Theo. Due to the resurgence of the dark mark during the summer, Snape has been trying to get on the good side of who should not be named. He's suspicious but we don't tell him the plan in which Professor Moody aka Barty Crouch JR is the reason why Harry's name was in the Goblet of Fire and is helping him in order for Harry to be transported to the graveyard and bring back the dark lord. Blaise and Draco do not know (Lucius deliberately kept this information away from Draco). Marcus annoyed, narrowing his eyes "Nothing is going on". Theo and I followed Marcus out of Professor Snape class classroom. The walk to the common room was silent.

Onyx is on Blaise's lap, Marcus is making his way toward Rory, Theo is sitting down near Carson, and I sit down next to Luce. Adrian Pucey approaches Carson "Hi Rose, I was wondering if you have the honor of being my date for the yule ball?"

( No offense to the original actor of Adrian Pucey, however, I like to imagine him as Maxence Danet-Fauvel)

( No offense to the original actor of Adrian Pucey, however, I like to imagine him as Maxence Danet-Fauvel)

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Reader's Pov

Adrian Pucey is asking me out in such a basic way. Nevertheless, I don't have a date so I said yes.

"Yes" giving him a small smile

"Great see then and wear something tight" as he leaves going to his dorm.

I'm really regretting my choices here. 

"What aren't you going with Cedric?" Enzo's voice was filled with confusion

"No we're broken up," I said in a neutral voice

"Then what were you two doing yesterday" the whole group states, they are all baffled

" I was helping him, he was rehearsing his song to me to ask out cho. You know because we're friends. The flowers were a thank you gift" 

Enzo's Pov

I fucked everything up. Now instead of going with the girl I like, she's now going with another older guy. I quickly get up and leave. I need to think.

Reader's Pov

I need to talk to him. I'm angry, sad, and overall mixed with emotions. I wait five minutes before heading to the astronomy tower. I know he's up there.

He was standing up on the balcony, I could tell he was angry. I grab him by his shoulder making him face me.

" Talk to me" I demanded

He moves away from me and now pacing back and forth, a nervous wreck " I was there when Cedric was singing that song to you and I got jealous so I asked out Luce"

" Do you like her?" I state in a soft voice

"No" as he shook his head

To be honest I'm not sure if I believe him. They had been best friends forever and most of the time I see them always together with his arm around her shoulder. I step back against the rail.

"It's you" as he steps forward. "I suppose I have it out of my system then. The jealously."

Showing all his emotions of anger, frustration, and jealousy into a kiss. It was intense. It's like he's forgotten how to stop. There's no stopping, instead, it carries on and on. My legs are wrapped around his waist and my hands pull his hair as he grasps into my breast rubbing in rough circling motions and the other on my lower back. I can't breathe, out of breath we pull apart, his thumb now is rubbing my bottom lip and he whispers in my ear "Save me a dance". His warm breath sends me chills.  

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now