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Harsh knocks wakes up Carson and Enzo. Opening the door and wearing Enzo's shirt, it's Lacy. The door is barely open, "Oh hi, what brings you here?"

"Let me in, I have pastries and fresh oj" pushing the door and Carson. There was Enzo shirtless with plaid bottoms sitting in the bed. "Oh you have company"

Carson: "It's okay. Thanks, Lacy, you're so sweet. How did you know I love crepes."

Lacy: "It's no big deal and everyone loves crepes... Since we have half an hour before class I just thought we could hang out, just the two of us."

Enzo:" Uhh, we have plans"

Carson:" We do?"

Enzo:" Yes and we have to go now. Sorry Lane."

Lacy:" It's Lacy"

Enzo:" That's what I said"

Carson:" Maybe next time"

Lacy: "Promise"

Carson: "I promise"

Lacy hugs Carson goodbye.

Carson:" So what's the plan?"

Enzo:" Hanging out with our friends. Let's go"

Holding hands together, they sat between the boys while in front of them were the girls

Marcus: Spitting out his pumpkin juice " What is this?"

Enzo:" We made up"

Theo:" Finally because everything has been a mess and Enzo wouldn't shut up about you, Carson" 

Enzo shakes his head

Carson:" Thanks Theo, you guys forgive me?"

The boys: "Yeah"

Carson:" Just like that"

Marcus:" What can we say, boys are easier. But, you haven't apologized"

Carson:" Right, I'm sorry, really sorry and I will explain everything just not now"

Carson shifts her direction towards the girls.

Rory:" I'm still mad at you... But"

Carson:" But, what?" with a hint of hope

Rory:" You're my best friend and I know you must have a good reason. But, you have to work for it"

Carson with a big smile " Of course"

Theo:" So, if we're friends again where are the bracelets"

Carson:" There is my bag, I carry them everywhere."

Taking out the jewelry, Enzo notices the necklace. " Can I put this on you?"

She nods her head.


After all their classes, they headed up to Carson's room which explained everything to them except for Dumbledore's army.

Rory:" Are you okay Marcus? You don't look so good."

Marcus scoffs:" Why do you care, shouldn't you be with that ginger"

Rory:" You dump me, besides it's nothing serious."

Marcus mumbles something and then changes the subject:" Carson have you had any other visions?"

Thinking she states "To be honest, no"

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now