Third Task

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Carson's Pov

I'm with Cedric's parents and Cho Chang wishing him good luck. The moment he hugged me goodbye, I saw it. His death. I tried to call him but the cheers were too loud and he was with his father. I was told to go back to the stands by Professor Moody "Professor I need to speak with Dumbledore immediately, it's a life and death situation". He gave me a deadly stare and pushed me. Sitting with my friends with a worried expression, "What's wrong love?" as Enzo intertwined our hands together.

"Enzo, we need to stop this, something bad is going to happen"

"Come on, let's go talk to Dumbledore, he will believe me"

"He's not done with his speech, nothing bad is going to happen"

At dusk on the 24th of June, the horn begins. Cedric is the first one to set foot in the maze.

"Enzo, please I saw it"

"Saw what?"

"It's a trick, the cup"

"You're just tired and nervous, your mind is playing tricks on you. Let it go, it doesn't concern you"

Enzo always has my back, why is so adamant about this? Why does he look nervous?

My hands drop away from him "You know don't you"

I step back and run

Professor Moody: "Stop her"

I run to the maze, I'm stupid. 

I enter the maze with no plan but I can't let Cedric die. He's my friend, I will do anything to protect the people I love. Scared I hold up my wand.

Hours later

Looking for Cedric, I finally see him with Harry both ready to grab the cup. Running towards them I too touch the cup

Landing in the graveyard, I hit the ground hard breaking my leg.

"We have to go"

"Carson, what are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Cedric please, let's go"

"Where are we?" a couple of seconds later, looking around Cedric; "Harry, it's a portkey"

"Cedric, I've been here before. Carson is right, we have to leave now"

Flames erupted from the cauldron and Harry's in pain touching his scar as a man appeared holding something

I'm crouched down with Harry. Cedric is on the other side "Who goes there?" pointing his wand

"Kill the spare"


I run towards Cedric with my broken leg. Crying in pain. It hurts like a bitch, the thick warm blood rushes down to the fracture. 

"Avada Kedavra"

Third's Person Pov

Carson runs hoping to save her friend. Yet, Cedric tries to move her away but they both get it with the killing curse. Side by side, they lay together hands barely touching. Cedric is officially dead as the curse hits his chest and for Carson, the curse briefly hits the side of her head leaving her unconscious.

Voldemort laughs placing his foot in Cedric's face and looking closely at Carson. He smiles, she looks exactly like her mother. He knows.


Waiting in the stands, Enzo is held down by his friends. Tears forming "Please, we need to go get her"

Theo: "You know we can't, Dumbledore just set up a border so no one else could enter. We can't risk the plan. I'm sorry." 

Hours later

Harry is back, everyone is cheering and the band starts playing.

Harry is crying holding both Cedric and Carson's bodies.

"I couldn't leave them, Cedric told me to bring his body back."

Pushing everyone out of the way, Enzo sees his girlfriend unresponsive with a pale face and a broken leg dripping in blood. Trying to get to her, the adults block them, sending the students back to school.

Her friends won't leave, instead arguing to be with her.

Dumbledore, Harry, Snape, McGonagall, and Moody left. None of the boys are worried about Professor Moody being caught rather tense and guilty emotions wash over them.


Poppy Pomfrey rushes over and is able to hear faint heartbeats.

With her happy and soft voice, "She's alive".

Her friends stop talking and are relieved. But Carson isn't, she's trapped in her mind. Trap in a vision, seeing the next bad event over and over again.

Short chapter, but the next one will be longer. Plus, a new male character

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