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Narrator's Pov

With winter break and the party being on the last day Carson and Enzo haven't seen each other.

Carson spent her winter break with the Weasleys. She adores Molly including her gift as she has never gotten a gift for a mother figure. When she hugged her to thank her, she felt so warm and loved, it was what she needed.


Sitting in the back of the class with an empty seat available and ten minutes early in peace reading, the new girl walks in "Hi, I'm Lacy and new can I sit here?"

Carson looks up from her book and notices that it's the same girl that Enzo was with at the party, but she has no right to be jealous. "Uhm, sure"

Lacy:" Sorry, I know there are empty seats but then I saw your book and thought wow she seems interesting"

Carson:" You read this book?"

Lacy:" Yeah, I just started. I like reading and baking."

Carson:" So do I, those are my two favorite things to do"

Lacy:" Wow, it's like we meant to be friends"

Carson gave a small smile. She misses her close friend group. Even though she liked her new-ish/closer relationship with the golden trio and the Weasleys, it wasn't the same.

Lacy:" Are you okay?"

Carson:" Yeah, it's nothing"

Lacy:" Well, I'm here if you need someone to talk to"

Carson:" Thanks"

Lacy:" Anytime, so how was your winter break?"

Carson: "Oh, it was fine. Yours?"

Lacy: " Great even with the mayhem of the repercussion of that party. Were you there?"

Carson:" Yeah, but left early"

Lacy: "Alone or with a cute boy?"

Carson:" Alone"

Lacy:" Me too"

Carson: Really?"

Lacy:" Yeah, why?"

Carson:" I just mean that you're a pretty girl, any guy would love to be with you, especially since you're new"

Lacy:" Yeah, fresh meat. Guys here are cute but so horny. And thanks, I was with someone but nothing really happened. What about you?"

Carson: "No, I'm single."

Lacy:" Great. Maybe we should get boyfriends and do double dates"

Carson:" I don't think so."

Lacy:" Why bad ex?"

Carson:" No, it was me. I needed a break"

Lacy snaps her pencil. She was hoping that Enzo dumped her.

Carson:" Are you okay?"

She needs more information about their relationship so she offers " Yeah, sorry I'm just nervous, first official day. We should talk later in my dorm room like a girl's night, students are coming in."

Students are filling in the classroom, and Theo and Enzo walk in.

Theo:" Hey, why is that girl you were with sitting with Carson?"

Enzo:" What are you talking about? I haven't been with any other girl."

Theo:" At the party, you were dancing with that girl and left with her."

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now