Library Meet Up

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Rory's Pov

It was a joke, in all honestly I didn't think she would take the condom, she just probably did that because of Enzo. Right after she left so did he.

Enzo's Pov

Fuckkkkk. I messed up, I just got bitter. Right after I said that, I was going to apologize but then she called me a manwhore. People have called me millions of things but never a whore. I hate the word whore, is that how she sees me.  Angry is rolling off my body, I need to sleep.

Reader's POV

After the date, Cedric dropped me off and placed a small kiss on my cheek. We said goodbye and I headed toward my room. They're waiting for me, I just know it. I forgot my keys so I knocked and all the girls were eyeing when Lucille opened the door. So I told them that Cedric and I are going to date. He asked me to be his girlfriend

Rory: "We can do double dates, I'm so happy for you"

Lucille: "You're so lucky, he's so cute"

Onyx: "Did you two fuck?"

Rory: "She's a virgin"

You: " I waiting for someone special. He just gave me a small peck before leaving and in the beginning, he set up a picnic."

Onyx: "That's sweet, maybe Cedric could be the one. I just assume because you took the condom. You were a badass when you told off Enzo. I can't believe he said that."

You: sighing " I know"

Together we sat in my bed talking about love, relationships, and sex. We fall asleep together.

three in the morning

I rolled off the bed but didn't wake anybody. Heading to the bathroom with a massive headache, I look up at the mirror. My eyes their black.

What's happening to me? I'm losing my mind, I see death but who's? Flashes

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What's happening to me? I'm losing my mind, I see death but who's? Flashes

I passed out in the bathroom

I wake up due to a rough knocking

Rory: "Hey, are you almost ready?"

It's time for school. I get up and quickly in a rush with an edgy makeup look. Eyeliner and dark red lipstick.

You: "Yeah, I'm sorry" opening the door

Rory: "It's fine and I heard your boyfriend is waiting for you"

Going to the common room, I don't make any contact with Enzo. Everybody is there. Opening the door, I see Cedric and place a small kiss on his cheek.

You: "See you guys later"

Rory: "Not having breakfast"

I pretended that I didn't hear her and holding Cedric we are in the halls walking hand in hand.

Rory's Pov

Something is wrong, I can feel it. In the dining room, the boys are making fun of Potter and placing bets.

Rory: " You guys, the tournament is serious. I bet you wouldn't ever make it if you guys had the chance."

Enzo: "We're just"

Irrupted by Rory: "Oh shut it, Berkshire, dont talk to me until you apologize to my best friend."

Enzo:" Apologise, She's the one that name-called me remember" storming off

Rory: "What's wrong with him?"

Draco and Marcus: "Just leave him alone, it's personal"

Rory: "Are you defending him?"

Marcus: "No, it's just, ... just let him cool off"

I stab my sausage while directly looking at Marcus

Class time

Reader's Pov

I dread Professor Snape's class. I do not want to talk to Enzo.  An hour into the class, it's not bad as professor is talking about the sleeping draught potion including how he wants the paper. He's very strict.

Professor Snape: "I expect this paper to be perfect. "

Shit I forgot about the paper

My face is towards the professor but I state "Today after classes, library don't be late" to Enzo

Library Time

Enzo's Pov

She's already at the library with him.

Thud! I drop a book on the desk before he can make a move on her

Reader's Pov

Enzo with a straight face: "Sorry, it was an accident"

Carson (you) same expression as Enzo: "Sure, it was"

Cedric: "I should get going"

You: "Are you sure?" I don't want to be alone with him, I just want to punch that silly face of his

Cedric: "Yeah, I need to practice some spells for the task"

You with a sad face: " Okay, good luck"

Enzo: "Stop with that face, you two just got together are you that needy"

You:" No, I just hate you. A troll can be a better companion than you"

Enzo: "Very funny, turns me on actually "

Why would he say that. He just likes to flirt. ughhh

You: "Come on, we need to focus" 

three hours later

Enzo: "We need to leave"

You: "No, we're not finishing"

Enzo: "That's because of you"

You: "Well excuse me, but I want a good grade on this"

Enzo: "What about dinner?"

You: "Fine, you can go"

Enzo: "What about you?"

You: "Not hungry"

Enzo: "But you haven't eaten all day?"

You: "Yes I have"

Enzo: "NO"

You: "What are stalking my meal times or something"

Enzo: "Whatever"

He gets up and leaves

twenty minutes later

He's back with a cake slice (your favorite flavor) with tea (I hate drinking milk)

You: "What are you doing, you can't bring food here"

Enzo: "Shut up and eat. I'm not leaving."

You: "Thanks"

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now