The Aftermath; It's complicated

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Reader's Pov

It's the weekend; no classes

The good thing about drowning myself with drinks is that I was able to sleep until it was eight am then I ran to the restroom. (Every dorm room has private bathrooms). Sadly, the memories of last night came back and I'm a total idiot. I brush my teeth and hear three knocks on my door.

Theo's Pov

It's 7 am and I need coffee. I look around, and I see Onxy and Rory with their boyfriends sleeping but Draco is sleeping with his sleeping mask on and mouth wide open, and Lorenzo is already awake giving me the third degree.

Theo: throwing a pillow to Enzo's face "Hey, do you want to get coffee with me?"

Enzo:" Sure"

At the Kitchen

Theo: "Can we get eight cappuccinos?"

Enzo: "Seven"

Theo:" No, it's me, you, Onyx, Blaise,Draco, Marcus, Rory, and Carson. I promised her I would stop by this morning"

Enzo:" She doesn't like coffee, she drinks tea and why are you going to see her?"

Theo: "You know her drink preferences"

Enzo: "You didn't answer my question"

The house/kitchen elf gives Theo the drinks. Now leaving and heading back to their dorm

Theo:" I'm fucking her"

Enzo pushes me against the wall and holds down me with my shirt

Theo: "Jeezes relax, you almost made me drop the drinks. I'm kidding. Can you let go now"

Enzo lets go

Theo: "You like her, like actually her?"

Enzo doesn't answer, he ruffles his hair

Theo: "She just needs a friend right now. Besides, I could be your wingman"

Enzo: "I can't like her, I don't do relationships"

Theo: "But you want one, I know you. You are my best mate and spare me the whole I'm too broke speech. Our whole friend group is messed up, yet they're in relationships except for Draco and Luce. (In Theo's mind I bet they fucking). They are happy, annoying happy. "

Enzo doesn't answer but smiles

They stop at their door and Theo gives Enzo the drinks except for his and Carson's. They said bye to each other.

Reader's Pov

Opening the door, it's Theo.

Theo: "Here, Enzo said this is your favorite tea"

You: "Thanks, you were with Enzo? How is he, how's his shoes?"

Theo: "I thought you hated him"

You: "I don't hate him, it's more like a frenemies situation, I think. Why does he hate me? He does, doesn't he?

Theo is now smirking: "Why do you care, shouldn't you be more worried about your boyfriend? How is your relationship with Cedric?"

You:" Uhm, it's complicated"

Theo: "Complicated? what do you mean"

You: "It's nothing we're great, let's talk about pressing matters?"

Theo: "Like what?"

You: "Hello, my black eyes. I can't control it"

Theo: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I thought that was a dream or something"

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