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Reader's Pov

Since I left with Grayson, we landed on his father's estate. Sirius gave a big hug, " You look a lot like you're a mother." 

"My mother, you knew my mother"

"She was a dear friend of mine and best friend with my brother"

"Can you tell more about her" 

We sat down and talked for at least a couple of hours.  Just the two of us but what I didn't know was Grayson listening in. 

Her name was Faye Locke, coming from a generation of powerful dark wizards. However, she wasn't a blood purist, she was kind but ambitious and sarcastic. Growing up, she was always baking and Sirius and Regulus were her test eaters as they were neighbors and close family friends. In Hogwarts, She was a Slytherin just like me but fell in love and got pregnant during her last year. The dark lord was furious as he was obsessed with her. She betrayed him, she was a member of the order even with the dark mark on her skin. It was all an act to give information to the Order of the Phoenix, but they didn't win in the end. He killed my father and my mother. 

"She always wanted to be a mother, but there's something you should know-"

The other members of the order enter the room, " we need to have a meeting harry's going to be here shortly"

Sirius nods and "We talk later, Carson" 

I headed up to my room for a nap. 30 minutes Later, I was woken up by Ron complaining about Hermione's cat. I always wanted a cat but was not allowed to have one. Getting up, I see Hermione, the Weasley siblings, and Harry looking down eavesdropping. 

He looks awful just like me. "Harry"

He turned and I hugged him. "I'm so sorry".  I couldn't help but shed a tear. "You're awake...I'm sorry too". 


Third's Person Pov

Harry and Carson gain a closer bond as they both grieve over Cedric's death, unable to stop blaming themselves. Together they visited his grave and she placed sunflowers.

 She also gained a father-daughter relationship with Sirius however he never truly told her the truth. Instead, he said he forgot. In Harry, Sirius sees James his best friend, and in Carson, he sees his childhood friend Faye. 


Grayson has been training Carson (physically and mentally), during the remainder of summer. 

He hands her a vial "What's this?" she questions as she's never seen a potion like this. 

"Aren't you tired of feeling sad, this would help" 

The personatus potion can be dangerous when exceeding drinking it in large amounts. It masks/pushes down your real emotions and inflicts anger. 

The instant the potion touched her lips she felt amazing no longer sadness. She let out a laugh "I'll like it a lot" 

"Good " as he gets closer to her, playing her hair. "You have nice hair, it's soft but it's boring"

"Boring?" she pushes his hand away

He gives her his pocket knife. 

She gives herself layers and side/curtain bangs. Plain hair with a twist as only Pansy can rock a bob. A therapeutic chop. 

Lorenzo Berkshire x reader; Who is she?Where stories live. Discover now