6 | in the middle of the letter

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Y/n wasn't sure how boobs could grow overnight.

Sasha and Y/n were the last ones in the barrack as both of them had overslept. Y/n buttoned up her shirt, listening as Sasha rambled about how dumb Connie and his bald head are. Her shirt closed, though she could feel it was getting quite tight around the chest area.

''Sasha . . .'' Y/n said, looking up at her friend with her eyes wide.


''I think I hit puberty.''

Sasha's mouth dropped dramatically. ''No way! How do you know?''

The two headed to the door, Y/n grabbing the handle and opening it, looking at Sasha. ''My boobs are growing! About time.''

''What the hell are you talking about?''

Y/n and Sasha shrieked, jumping back a few steps as they were met with Jean, Connie and Marco standing directly at the door. Jean had his arms crossed in front of his chest, his eyebrow raised and cheeks flushed pink. Marco's face was red as he looked away and Connie's mouth was dropped open in shock.

''WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING AT THE DOOR?!'' Sasha called, jumping out of the barrack and kicking Connie in the knee.



''Woah, woah, that's not true, Sasha!'' Marco tried to defend them. ''We were just wondering where you guys were because we didn't find you at the mess hall! Christa told us you were still in the barracks so we came to walk you! We didn't meant to overhead you talking about . . . you know.'' Marco rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking down.

Y/n crossed her arms in front of her chest and frowned. ''Doesn't explain why you were standing directly in front of the door, creeps!''

''Hey, I was just about to knock!'' Jean called, though Y/n could see a faint blush on his cheeks. She almost wanted to laugh. Jean rarely got flustered, so it was definitely a sight to see.

Y/n knew they had good intentions, but it still felt weird that they'd heard them talking about that. ''Come on, Sasha, let's go to breakfast.'' The two walked away, arm in arm, complaining about the three boys.

''Hey! Wait for us!'' Connie called out and ran towards the two girls, almost tackling them as he reached them.

Jean closed the door to the barrack, looking at the ground as he tried to banish the warmness in his cheeks and neck. Stop fucking thinking about it, Kirstein.

''We didn't do anything bad, right, Jean?'' Marco asked. He still looked at the ground as they walked after Y/n, Connie and Sasha, his face still red. He almost looked ashamed.

''Tch, no we didn't. It was an accident!'' Jean said, though he, too, felt quite dirty for overhearing something so private. This wasn't something Y/n would normally talk about with him, was it? If there weren't other girls around to talk about this, would Y/n . . . He touched the collar of his shirt and pulled it away, feeling like he was being choked. He unbuttoned the top button and, as he did so, looked inside his jacket and noticed the white envelope. ''Oh, right. Y/n!'' Jean called as he took the letter outside of his pocket.

Y/n looked back, letting go of Sasha's arm so she and Connie can continue ahead. She watched as Jean waved a white envelope. ''What's that?''

''You've got mail.''

Y/n's eyes widened. ''Give it here.'' She snatched it from his hand before he could even think to dangle it above her head, quickly tearing it open. Before she pulled the paper out, she looked up at Jean. ''You didn't read it, did you?''

in the middle of the chaos | jean kirstein x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now